Chapter 2 - Dominic Redux?

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Too early, Skye pulled Jane away from her book, insisting that they needed to go explore the city. "Skye!" She protested, but Skye didn't let go, and with a grumble, Jane dropped her book - open, so she didn't lose her page -  and followed her. Iantha was happy to let them go, but thought Batty was still too young to be out in the city without her. Batty, absorbed in her coloring book, didn't seem to mind, and so off they went, off for an amazing adventure, an awe-inspiring trek of daring-do for a quest to quench our thirst for adventure. "Jane, Jane," Skye said loudly, snapping her fingers, "Jane!"

"Huh?" Jane said, coming out of her daze.

"I said, are you going to act normally, or are you going back?"

"I'll be fine."

Skye's expression was pure skepticism, but she didn't question Jane further. Instead, the OAP yanked Jane by the hand, turning sharply at a corner. "Skye! Argh!" Jane yelled, surprised by the sudden change in direction and almost slamming into a lamppost. "Keep up," Skye grumbled, and the two sisters dashed down the crammed sidewalks, careening around corners and weaving agilely between people. "Unhand me, miscreant," Jane said, tugging at Skye's fingers, which were holding her wrist in a death grip. Skye didn't reply, which was rather unusual for her, and Jane's expression grew concerned. That is, until Skye promptly stopped, causing Jane to look backwards, startled, and smack into a tree. Disoriented, Jane's world spun for a few moments, her head throbbing. Ow...she was definitely going to have a bruise. Skye just grinned at her, and Jane muttered darkly, "You look like a cat who ate a dumb canary." If Skye had noticed the mutter, she didn't say anything, and instead spread out her arms, an almost Batty-like grin on her face. "What is it?" Jane asked curiously, her anger fading away like water dripping through her fingers. "This is one of the places where Jeffery and I played soccer. When I went to visit him, a year and a bit ago," She said, beaming. Jane noticed Skye's grin; was that just because of the memory? Suddenly, Jane was lost in her thoughts. She loved being right when Skye was wrong, and here was a chance. The pressing question; did Skye like Jeffery, or just like him? Jane's lips spread into a grin as well, as she rummaged through her memories - she'd played matchmaker a few times with her friends, and she'd always been right. So would this be the same?

The first memory she had of Jeffery and Skye had been told to her by Skye, when Skye had insulted him. Nope, no feelings there...well, besides dislike. The second...maybe when Skye had gone to Boston to visit Jeffery? There could've been emotions there; Skye had talked about the memories so fondly. So...the spark of a romantic relationship between Jeffery and her? But no...all the stuff they'd done was platonic, definitely friend-zone. Hmm. She'd puzzle it out later. Jane looked up from her reverie, and then noticed that Skye was no longer beside her. Alarm widened Jane's eyes as she searched, her tone growing desperate. "Skye? Skye? Where are you?" Jane called, chewing her bottom lip nervously. Though she'd gotten many bruises, Jane had a bad habit of often not looking where she was going, and smacking into things. Already today, she'd almost smacked into a lamppost and she'd gotten bruised from a tree. But those memories didn't stop her from bumping into something else. This thing was...her thought was interrupted as she slipped on the riverbank, promptly doing an unintentional dive, and landing softly in the pond...with the ducks. Jane floundered in the water, as the pond was clogged with duckweed and algae, not to mention that her now wet, long curly hair didn't help. But then there was a voice and a offered hand, which Jane gladly took. A bit more easily, she fully emerged, and the mysterious person pulled her onto land, away from the river. Beaming once more, Jane looked at her savior, expecting Skye.

But her savior wasn't Skye; it was a tall boy. He was very handsome, but not like her book crush, Peter Pevensie, High King of Narnia. Instead, he was...smoldering...glorious and dangerous-looking. He stood at least two inches taller than Skye, and he was built powerfully, with broad shoulders and muscular arms. The boy looked exotic, with olive skin, high cheekbones and angular, dark features. His black hair was spiked slightly, and he wore simple, casual clothes; black jeans and a white t-shirt. "Um, are you okay?" The boy asked cautiously, and Jane took a step back, realizing that she'd been staring at him for way too long. "I'm fine," She called back, running away as she was absolutely sure that she looked dreadful, with her sopping curly hair and drenched clothes. But the boy chased after her, easily catching up to her. "I'm Maddox," He said, sticking out a hand.

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