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I am sorry i could NOT make new UPDATES. Iys bc i have dam school!!!!!! And chores!!!!! Kill meh now!! But i will do thsi for you.

Taurtis: Ok so Sam is NOT hear and i need yall to ask us to do TRUTH! Or DARE!

Sam: Ok so Taurtis is not around and i DON'T want truth or dare bc well,....there is somethings that i don't want to talk about.

Taurtis: So, GIVE IT ALL YA GOT!!

Sam: If Taurtis told yall u can do it, *sigh* then idc.

*Taurtis walks around intill he sees Sam*
*Sam is siting down with his nees to his chest and his head in his lap quietly crying*

Taurtis: Sam? Y u cry?

Sam: "..."

Taurtis: Saaaam

Sam: N- nothing

Taurtis: I have carrots~

Sam: WHAT!?

Taurtis: Yep! *hands Sam carrot*

Sam: *Eats it*

Next day!

Sam: ok so asfter i told Taurtis what happend with the truth or dare thing, i have to owe him for the carrot. So i am getting stuff to make his my- 'moms' carrot sup.


Sam: ?- AAAAAAAA!!!

*Sam gets punched in the eye*

Dom: Pffhhhhh~ hahahahahaha!!!!! OMG THAT WENT BEDER THEN BEFORE!!!!

Sam: *Touches right eye* Ngh!!!!

Dom: hmm...??? *grabs Sam and kicks him in the rib*

Sam: *blood comes out of mouth* *choke*

Taurtis: Omg is that Sam!?

*Taurtis runs over to see Dom picking up Sam by the coler of his shirt and hitting him up against the hard wall*

*Taurtis grabs Dom's hand before he could hurt Sam. He kicks Dom and grabs Sam and runs home*

Taurtis: Holy shit Sam! You are lucky i am faster then Dom!

Sam: S- sorry Taur- Aaaaaaaaa!!! Nggghhh!!!!!! That hurts Taurtis!

Taurtis: Sorry Sam!

€At home€

Taurtis: Shirt up!

Sam: WHAT!?

Taurtis: U heard me. -_-

Sam: Finnnne!

*Sam lifts up his shirt and shows Taurtis his bruised rib and side of his hip. And his eye.*

Taurtis: Don't move sweet pee.

Sam: 0-0

Taurtis: Ok guys this is going to have to end bc i have to take care of Sam right now. Please tell me what i should to to Dom to get payback. And also leave TRUTH or DARES!!!

Sam: By- OUCH!!! Taurtis your hands are cold!!

Taurtis: 😎


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