I need to know...

20 3 49

Hey, so, i......need to know.


Do u know how you like a boy and after a year or 2, you start to not like him the same way?? Well, thats what is going on with me. There is a hole in my heart, that i can't fix.

I am EVEN morw depressed then i already am...idk what is going on..............i tryed to tell my friend, but she said "Hannah no thats what Amber said" (my name is Hannah btw. :3)

I am on the ege of crying now. I,.....i.........................*falls to the floor* i- i- i- i.................

Will yall hate me if i told u that,...

I think that i am gay?


I need to know if u guys are okay with that???? That if i am gay? I don't want to be,- i don't want to be put under the buss and be told that 'no your not!' or 'go and die!'

I am scared to tell my mom and dad about it. *starts crying* i don't want my parents to tell me that i am not gay! >,~< i don't want to be loved. And i want my friends to say that evreything will be okay. And that i will find a girl that i will love. Idk if i am gay and that i am in love with a girl.

I know that i think that i love my own gender. Wich is female and not male. I feel rong,

My heart feels broken, my head wont stop saying "i think i love girls"? My heart tells me that there is a hole in it, and that i need to fix it.


I am so scared guys,........i am slowly on the vurge of suicide, or even just yelling it out on Instugram. Or even on the whole world!

And for some reason i can't stop singing this song!?

I even had a dream about me telling Evreyone at my school about it, i thought that they would except me, for who i am, and not who i want to be.

But, instead of saying that i am strong that i said that. They all baryed me alive. All of my friends even did it!

I felted betrayed,
I felted heart broken,
I felted sad
I felted angry
I felted no love
I felted hate around me

And befor i went into the coffen, i saw my mom and dad there, not happy with me. Not standing up for me. Not protesting me. I am a teen, a 12 year old teen, that is scared of being bulled,

Of being killed on the spot.
I felted like i was kidnapped and i had to kill Evreyone that did not except me for who i am.

The boy that i 'liked' was not at school for a whole WEEK! I was worried, and i still am. I fear for his safety! I have a heart problem! I have chest problems! My head hurts 24/7 hours a dma day.

I feel week

I feel no love

I can't feel pain

I wunder if i am just sick? Or if i am just makeing the rong choose!?

Man if i had one wish, that would be for me to see all of yall in RL. And to fell yalls hugs. And soft words telling me that it will all be okay.

Idk how to feel.

And idk how yall feel. But i know what your thinking, how can Jelly be gay!? And when did u start felling like this???

Well, it started on the 24th, and the song thing started yesterday night.

I am geting cyberbullying on Google+,.... And i am scared to go to school, i don't want hate. I just want people to except me,

For me. :'3

~Killer Ray Jelly.🔪

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