truth or dare

27 2 8

Taurtis: Ok.

*walks up to Sam*

Taurtis: Hey Sam can i tell you something?

Sam: Yeah.

Taurtis: I wove bou!

Sam: 0///0

Grain: Hey J can i tell you something

J: Yeah!!!!!!

Grain: I like you.......0///0

J: I like u 2!

*they kiss*

Taurtis: Ok so Sam is sleeping and yall told us to "Make out" and yall shall have it~

*Taurtis walks in to find a sleeping Sam*

Taurtis: Nice, his hands are above his head!

Sam: ZzzZzzzZzzzZzzzZzzzzz~

Taurtis: Hehe~ *walks over and jumps on Sam with his hands pind down*


Taurtis: You'll see~

*Taurtis bits Sam's neck and all if that shit i can't spell and idk how to do Smut.*

Grain: J? What are u doing?????? 0//0

J: This!

*same thing with Taurtis and Sam*

Next day

Taurtis: Sam is going to be pissed at me.

Sam: Owwww! Everything hurts......tary~ y did u go hard lasnight?

Taurtis: Woops sorry Sam. 😽

Sam: We have school. Ughhhhh!!!

Taurtis: Ill carry u today.

Sam: Mkay.

*They get dressed and go to school.*

J: Hey! Taurtis hey Sam!

Taurtis: Hey J! Hey Grain!

J: So, y are u carrying Sam?

Gain: The same reason your carrying me. -_-

Sam: LOL. After the beet up from Dom and you know what from Taurtis, i need to br carried.

Taurtis: And you are supper light Sam. Tbh.

Sam: Hey! I can't help if i am. I'm a Hibren. Part bunny. So yeah.

Taurtis: 100%

J: So what are yall doing after school?

Sam: Rest.

Taurtis: Nothing.

Grain: Idk.

J: We could wach a movie?

Taurtis: Yeah Shure!

Sam: Mkay!

Grain: YEAH!!

In tull next time!

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