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19. Homecoming

In which home is where the heart is...

The birds were singing, the sky was blue, and Darren and Chris were in each other's arms. In other words, all was right with the world. And as far as Darren was concerned, it didn't matter one bit which world that was. As long as he and Chris were together, he was home.

Pulling back from their tight embrace just far enough to gaze into Chris's eyes, Darren began to sing:


I've heard the word before,

But it's never meant much more

Than just a thing I've never had

A place,

They say, "Hey, know your place"

But I've never had a place to even know,

Or a face that I could go to

If I needed someone there...

Darren let out a heartfelt sigh. His eyes welled up with joyful tears as he continued:

You're laughing

It's hard to hide a smile

My god, it's been a while

Since I have had a reason to

And to think

It's been here all along

Somewhere to belong,

And a reason,

A something to believe in

I've finally found it,

A place where I'm wanted...

This must be how it feels

To have a home

I used to dream about it

But never schemed or counted

On fantasies or wishes -

It breaks a man to see what he misses

And so many nights I'd pray

For a better life, and a better day

But I never thought that it'd come true

It's finally here and I don't know what to do

And I'm trying not to cry

This must be how it feels

To have a home

I've finally made it

I've hoped and I've waited

And for the first time in my life

I don't feel so alone

My heart starts to heal

To know that it's real

This is how it must feel

To have a home

Chris placed his hands on Darren's precious, scruffy cheeks and kissed him. It started off gentle — a soft, welcoming brush of lips. Slowly it deepened, as Chris and Darren each poured their feelings into the kiss.

Then, as Chris pulled Darren's full lower lip between his teeth and bit down lightly, the mood shifted from warm and affectionate to hot and desperate. Darren gasped, clutching Chris tightly. Soon hands were wandering freely as they panted into each other's mouths.

It was a long time before either one became aware of their surroundings.


That evening, sitting around the dining table with Chris, Kurt, Blaine, Froggy, Red, and Joey, Darren asked, "So, now that it looks like we're in the Land of Stories for good, what's the plan?"

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you want," Blaine offered. "There's plenty of space, especially since Froggy and Red are moving back to the castle."

"I thought Chris said that Sugar had taken over."

"Oh, Little Sugar Peep has lost her mind, and doesn't know where to find it," Rachel giggled.

"She decided that being Queen was boring," Froggy explained. "So she's abdicating the throne and creating a troupe of wandering minstrels called The Troubletones."

"With that tone-deaf wanna-be leading them, they'll be lucky if they survive their first performance," Rachel gloated. "But the good news is, I'm getting back my castle and my crown!"

"Congratulations," Darren told her. Then, turning back to Kurt and Blaine, he asked, "But even with the extra space, are you sure we wouldn't be imposing? I mean, you are still newlyweds, and I can imagine you might want your privacy. Plus, this is the first time since you've been together that you're not on the run from the law, or trying to stop a curse, or wandering through other dimensions. Don't you want a chance to settle down, just the two of you?"

Kurt and Blaine exchanged meaningful looks. "Settling down is overrated," Blaine said.

"I've been on the run for so long, I get restless if I stay in one place," Kurt admitted. "So, we're already planning a dazzling crime that will let us resume our lives as outlaws."

"And, whenever we want a break from being wanted fugitives, we can go back to visiting other worlds. Mother Goose has run off to live with the Elf Empress, and they sent us several bottles of the potion as a belated wedding gift."

"Blaine has an extensive collection of books, so we've got our pick of destinations for a second honeymoon."

"And a third, and a fourth, and a fiftieth," Blaine said, squeezing Kurt's hand and gazing at him with heart-eyes.

Joey, who'd been silently taking all this in, suddenly piped up. "Hey, do you think that potion would work on a newspaper?"

He pulled out a copy of the London Times. Darren leapt up and kissed him.

"You're a genius, man! That's dated the day we left, so it'll take us to the right place and the right time!"

"And all we'll need to do to come back here is use the potion on my book," Chris exclaimed. "So long as we always bring a newspaper with us, we can travel between the worlds whenever we want."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's try it out! C'mon — who's up for a field trip?"

They all looked on with bated breath as Kurt allowed a single drop of the potion to fall on the newspaper. There was a collective whoop of joy when the familiar beam of light appeared.

With fingers entwined, Chris and Darren stepped into the swirling vortex of words. As modern-day London coalesced around them, they gripped each other's hands even more tightly.

"Welcome home, Dare."

"Welcome home."


And that's how Chris and Darren became The Boys Who Lived: Gleefully Ever After.

The End

End Notes: Thank you so much for reading. If you've enjoyed this gleeful trilogy, please take a moment to let me know. :D

Check out my favorite version of Darren singing "To Have a Home" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmeMvRQnvyM

The Land of Stories: A Very Gleeful ThreequelWhere stories live. Discover now