My Abroad Romance - Chapter One

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Picture of Lily------> 


"No!" I exclaimed. "I thought you said that I would be allowed to go by myself once I was 18?"

Both my parents sighed and looked at me un-interested. "I know but I need someone to be there with you whilst you're there. You're a girl." My dad explained.

The last sentence ticked me off. I looked at them like they were crazy. "So what if I'm a girl? What does being a girl have anything to do with this?" I asked, tapping my foot impatiently. I've always hated when they've stop me from doing things just because I was a girl. What does being a girl have anything to do with it? According to them, I was a young girl in the 'modern era', as they would call it, guys have more confidence and would get up to all sorts with these girls.

They sighed once again. This time my mum spoke, "You know we didn't mean it like that hunny, it's just that we don't want you going by yourself half way across the world. This way, your brother can keep an eye on you and have fun himself. Wouldn't that be nice?" she smiled. She actually smiled. How can she have the decency to smile when I am so pissed off right now, I'm shocked there's no steam coming out of my ears!

I knew they made their mind. I knew because they went and bought the tickets for me and my brother Ethan yesterday so I had no say in this what so ever. I slumped down on the sofa, defeated, and looked up at them.

"You know what this means don't you?"

My dad looked confused but my mum knew straight away. I saw her grimace. "No, what?" my dad asked. Oh my God, how naïve can he get?

"If Ethan is going, Josh is most likely to be going as well"

Josh. The ass. No actually, The Ultimate Ass. Josh Reynolds, my brother's ass of a best friend. Wherever Ethan went, Josh would always be with him; they were inseparable. Oh and did I forget to mention that Josh had this unfound ability to piss me off by just being in the same room. Ethan was one year older than me being ninteen so Josh was the same age. I was going to start my last year of school in September whereas, not surprisingly, Josh and Ethan were attending the same university in the city. So being best friends with my brother, Josh lived in our house. After both his paren't had passed away when he was thirteen, my mum and dad bought him in and treated him like their own. And to make life more worth living, he slept in the guest bedroom right next to mine, which would piss me off even more because we'd have fights every morning to use the bathroom first. And to top everything off, he was coming on holiday with me.

I had convinced my parents to let me go on holiday once I was eighteen. And seeing that my birthday passed a month ago on the 28th May, and school ended on the sixteenth of June, I planned my perfect holiday. School ended three days ago as it was the nineteenth of June today and were leaving twenty second, I had already packed most of my belongings. Little did I know that when I asked for my ticket today, my parents had surprised me by saying that my brother was tagging along with me. And if he was coming, you sure knew who would be following behind him.

A bright smile beamed on my father's face. "That's great! The more the merrier!" I gave him a blank look. He grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head and said, "Your mother and I are just worried about you Lily"

I sighed and went to sit next to them. "I know are but I was really looking forward to it"

He wrapped an arm around me, I automatically leaned into him. "If it helps, we're only sending Ethan because we don't want anything happening to our favourite child!"

My mum laughed. "God Paul!" She hauled herself from the sofa and probably went into the kitchen to make her some coffee.

My dad placed a kiss on the side of my head and said, "Go on, go do some last minute shopping for your trip" he got his wallet out and gave me £50. "Enjoy"

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