My Abroad Romance - Chapter Three

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---------------------------------------------->>> Leo! (You'll find out soon;)) 

Read away!


I stirred in my sleep but found I was trapped. I tried moving again but the hold on me just tightened. What the Hell was going on? I peak open my eyes and saw that we were still on the plane to Morocco, but what I wanted to know was who was holding me? And why they wouldn’t let go?

I stirred slightly and rotated my neck as much as I could to see what had me captive. What surprised me most was seeing Josh’s sleeping face in my line of vision. Why was Josh sleeping and why were his arms around me? Why was my head on his warm and sculpted chest? And why on earth was I enjoying his warmness so much?! Something was definitely wrong with me; see what planes do to me? I go all… not myself!

I wiggled as much I could away from him and elbowed him in his gut. His eye’s shot open, loosening his grip on me. I took this opportunity to scoot away from him. He looked around alarmed, with half of his hair smeared across his face and eyes still a little droopy from sleep but calmed when he realised it was only me; confusion swept over his face.

“Lily? Why did you do that for?” he asked, with an adorable confused look on his face.

 I glared at him. “What do you mean why did I do that for? Why on earth are you holding me for?”

He looked even more confused. To be honest, it suited him really well! He looked adorable. No Lily, you do not say that. Josh Reynolds had been a pain in your ass since forever. “You were terrified of the plane so I held you until you felt better; the next thing I knew was that you were sleeping so I fell asleep as well. What’s wrong with that?”

I stared at him completely dumbfounded. He did that for me? I knew I was scared of planes but nobody had ever done that for me before and he did that. The person I hated did something so sweet for me. I didn’t know what to do. Show I hug him or shout at him for even touching me. I don’t know why but when he said that he held me to make myself feel better, tears had sprung to my eyes. That had never happened before. There was one thing I could only think to do,

“Thank you” I whispered.

I could feel the bile rising in my throat as tears formed in my eyes. I think he figured that out because he sighed and held me close to his chest again. To be completely honest, being held by him made my heart flutter but I would never let him know that, he wouldn’t ever let me live it down.

“What’s wrong Lil?” he whispered, sorrow lingering in his voice.

I couldn’t look him in the eye. I knew that if I even glanced at him, I would end up crying. Nobody had ever been that sweet to me, not even Ethan. The fact that he actually comforted me whereas if that was Ethan or my parents, they would only tell me that everything would be okay but Josh held me until I felt better. I know I sound like a total idiot but that meant a whole lot to me.

I opened my mouth to respond to him but was over spoken by Ethan.

“What the Hell is going on here?” My head shot up to see my brother seething with anger. When he saw the layer of unshed tears in my eyes, his eyes softened, but just slightly. “And why does it look like Lily’s going to cry?”

I tried to move out of Josh’s arms but he held me tightly there. Why wasn’t he letting me go? I was about to come up with an excuse when Josh beat me to it. “Chill dude, she was watching Marley and Me and got all emotional. You know what she’s like” he said rolling his eyes. He had his teasing tone in his voice.

My Abroad RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now