Chapter 1

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Layla Pov

My name is Layla and i'm the one who never gets notices. But They do notices my other me Star the superstar. My best friend is Jack i secretly like him but he won't like me.


I was walking in to school when someone bumped in to me and they didn't say sorry. Then i walk over to my locker (Layla's in 10th grade) and got my books for class then i saw Jack. I walk over to him and said " hey what are you doing" "listening to Stars' new song have you heard it " yeah i have" i made the song but i can't tell him that i wonder what could happen if they knew i was Star "Layla are you there" " yeah just thinking" "okay classes started 1 minute ago" " WHAT! let's go" i run to class lucky the teacher was not there but everyone was looking at me i was blushing. I went straight to my desk. After i sat down the teacher came in Mrs.Hagen my favorite teacher. Then she said " Okay now it's time to speak about your report" oh no i forgot we have to speak in front of whole class AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO "okay Jack you go first" i couldn't pay attention but then i heard "Layla" noooooooooooooo I went in front of the whole class and say " iiii...hhaavvee...mmyy...rreeppoorrtt...oonn" "boooo speak louder and stop stuttering" i just ran out of the class room crying and went straight home and didn't go to school.

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