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Me: Hello my awesome readers! *smiles politely* I am SO glad that i have people reading my stories, so you all get e-cookies and e-hugs! *hugs readers and hands out yummy cookies*

???: Moyashi, calm down, you're giving me a headache!

Me:S-s-sorry. I wont do it again, Kikyo.

Kikyo:Damn straight.... Moyashi. *smirks* I'm off to see Kagome-chan, see ya gaki. *walks off*

Me:*rubs back of head* Well that was unexpected. And yes, that was my (Tokoyami's) cousin. Quite evil. but ya get used to it. *laughs slightly*

???: *comes runing in* Help *pant* me *pant*.

Me: Nikki, wha- why ae you here!?!?

Nikki: I angered Yu-kun.

Me: *sweatdrops* Nikki, he will kill you, you that right?

Nikki: Really, Toko-chan, Yu-nii-kun wouldn't kill his little sister.

Me: *sighs* your funeral.


Well this will be continued in the next chat time!

Ja ne- Allora

Koukyo no Yuuyami (D. Gray-man story) *Being Edited*Where stories live. Discover now