Chapter 5- The Black Order, Boredom, and Yoru no Tobari

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    Allen had called his boss (Komui as we DGM fan-girls know) in order to tell him about us, the new exorcists. Sam was kicking her legs back and forth as she sat on the seat next to the window of the inn. Alex was humming the tune of 'Mad World', ah an awesome song when night-cored properly.

   I was pacing around the room at the inn. I was BORED!!! I had done everything a bored person can do....except try out my innocence. But Alex told me no before i asked, so i ended up pacing.

  "Allen when do we get to leave? I am bored. And prepared to die of boredom." I said as i stopped pacing.

  "Toko-chan if you don't shut up and stop pacing i will chop your legs off." Sam snarled at me.

  She pulled a long black katana out of her black charm bracelet. She pointed it at my face threateningly.

  "O-o-oi, SAMANTHA SCHWARZDER! PUT THAT DAMN SWORD DOWN NOW!" Alex yelled, her eye twitching.

  "SAM! OSWARI!" I snapped viciously at Sam.

   "Cr-" She started to say but she fell face forward.

  "Wow, Alex, i didn't know i could do that." i said to Alex with a look of surprise.

  "You didn't, she tripped over her own two feet." Alex said sighing.

  "Who cares- "When life gives you lemons, make make mango juice let the world wonder how the HELL you did it". I love that quote." i said while giving Alex a smile that said- "Do I look like i care, really?".

  Allen looked over at us as we were arguing with each other. He sighed and shook his head. He mumbled under his breath something similar to: why me?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     We had just arrived at the cliff that would lead us to the Black Order. Sam had calmed down earlier before we had left- she had almost went stir-crazy because she was bored. Allen had also left us to our own devices- saying we had to find our own way up. Sam was being logical, saying we had to climb up the damn cliff. Alex was arguing with Sam- saying that we don't have any equipment to climb the damn cliff. I was just staring off into space, bored out of my mind, when I decided to try something fun.

  " I may be able to gets us up this Damnable cliff. Just let me try it first though." I said seriously.

  I had turned away without hearing their answer. In my head I was thinking- Please let this work. I walked up to the cliff and closed my eyes.

  "Awaken Yoru no Tobari." I whispered softly as my eyes stayed closed.

  A bright white light appeared immediately after I whispered my nearly silent call. When the white light evaporated, there was a pure white fox with three tails. The fox was a truely beautiful creature. Her- the fox- had gorgeous crimson eyes.

  " You called me, Little Princess?" She- Yoru the fox/ Kitsune- stated in a question.

  " Konichiwa Yoru- chan." I said my eyes slightly glowing a rich golden color, " How has your nap been?".

   "You still have your sense of awkward timing, Hime-chan." She said as she released laughter that sounded awfully like barks.

  I just laughed with her. My mirth overwhelming my sense of rationality. I had not seen Yoru for years- she was my 'imaginary' friend when i was younger.

   " Toko-chan? Who's that?" Sam asked me as she looked at Yoru cautiously.

   " This is Yoru no Tobari my 'imaginary' friend from before I met you both." I said with a small smile- even though I couldn't stand to remember most of my past.

     "Do you need my help, Hime-chan?" Yoru asked as she rolled her eyes at me.

     " Yep. Can you bring all three of us up this cliff from hell?" I said with nervous giggles erupting slowly.

  "Tokoyami~~~~. " Yoru-chan said as she just nodded at me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to top of the cliff of Hell~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    "Thank you, Yoru-chan~~" I said as I smiled brightly.

    " Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're welcome." Yoru-chan said to me as she rolled her eyes.

     I turned around and smiled as i thought,  I stopped fighting my inner demons- now we're on the same page! My thoughts have begun to be even weirder and more randomer (A.N.- I know randomer isn't word, but who cares!) - sweet!

   I started to move forward when I saw that Sam and Alex had gone ahead of me with Yoru-chan. I had began to wander off of Terraferma and on to planet Deamon- my inner mind i guess you could say. Yeah i named my inner mind Deamon because if i had named it demon then I probably wouldn't be considered normal.  Wait........ I'm not normal.

    Well anyway, I had crashed into Alex as she was explaining who we were to Komui and the giant stone face from Easter Island. Well the stone face was giving everyone the examination before me- luckies.

    "SHE WORKS WITH THE EARL!!! SHE'S A NOAH!! HELP!!!" screamed the stone face.

   " I am innocent, I have innocence, I hate the Earl, I like having humans around, I would rather die as a human than a Noah, I LIKE HUMANS!!" I nearly screamed, even though my voice was montoned and emotionless.

  My friends slowly backed away from the stone face as it angered me. i was seriously about to obliterate the damn thing when I heard a sound smilar to what Sam's katana made when it came towards me. Then it came to me....Kanda-san was near!


I am evil! I leave a cliffy for you all! Vote, comment, or fan me to get an update! I want atleast 16 votes, 8 comments, or 10 fans! Take your pick!

 Ja ne-


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