Miserable At Best

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It has been months since Nate and I separated. We dated for about 6 months but we ended up getting into a really bad argument, which led to our break up... Do you know how hard it is to go through a break up when your ex is popular on the internet? Seeing him everywhere was just too much to handle.

A lot of his fans loved us together. They thought we were really cute. Even when we sang and cosplayed as different anime characters. His fans are very intelligent because they sensed something was off. Nate and I weren't vocal about it but the fans, they knew.

I just eventually stopped going on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and yes, especially Youtube. Many of them asked me if we were still together but I just ignored the questions. People even thought I hated him all together. Don't get me wrong, he's very talented and I'm proud of his success but after the split, it was just unbearable to see him. Seeing him so happy, singing his little heart out. He looked and acted as if the break up was nothing. Which just made the pain worsen.

Eventually, bit by bit, I got over him. I even met a new guy. And we've been going out for 3 months now.. I would post pictures of my and my boyfriend together on Twitter, smiling and whatnot. I'm guessing word got to Nate from some of his fans who still follow me. People then started tweeting me saying,"Is Nate okay?" and "Nate seems different. Is he alright?" I decided to look into it and not contact him directly but do the next best thing. Watch a recent video of his.

He wasn't as happy and bright the way he normally is. He was more monotone, quiet, just all around depressed. A week later, a fan of his DMed me. "Hey (Y/N), I doubt you'll even see this  but I think you should check it out.. Nate did something for you. I know you're with someone new but please, just watch." She pasted a link along with it. Feeling a little confused, I clicked the link.

A new browser opened up and a video popped into view. The video was called "Miserable at Best Cover (NateWantsToBattle) (For (Y/N) )" It started out with Nate sitting in front of a keyboard. "So as you guys may have already figured out, yeah.. me and (Y/N) broke up. All because I started a ridiculous fight over nothing. I regret it and now I can't do anything since she's with someone else." I felt my eyes start to burn. "But I still want to do something. (Y/N).. If you're watching this. I'm so sorry. I know I can't take back all that I said. I can't take back all the pain I caused you. I hope to god that whoever you're with, treats you better than I did. Cherishes you more than I ever did. Makes you smile in ways I couldn't. Because, shit. He's lucky to have someone like you. But I just need to get this off my chest while I can."

His fingers glide across the keyboard as soft music. I watched as he struggled to sing each word. Tears formed in my eyes. "It's been three whole days since I've had sleep 'cause I dream of his lips on your cheek," I never realized how much pain he was in. As he hit the last note of the song, a tear slipped from his cheek . Then the screen faded to black as 4 words appeared on the screen, "I love you, (Y/N)"

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