Breaking The Distance

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Your POV

Never in my life did I think that I would be dating Nathan Smith. I was a fan of his YouTube channel, NateWantsToBattle. It all started when I messaged him telling him how much I appreciated him and how much I loved his music. He responded which surprised the shite outta me. Then we started talking on and off. Which turned into daily. Then he asked for my number.

Our relationship blossomed from there. We were just talking one day when he confessed his feelings for me. First I was pretty taken aback. But I happily accepted. But there was one downside.. he was in LA and I was in Seattle. I'm not very good with long distance but I decided to put my trust in Nate and say yes.

It was pretty funny at first.. I never really took Nate as the cutsie type. Not that I minded at all. But we would message each other and skype each other every chance we could.

   He would always leave messages for me to wake up to

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He would always leave messages for me to wake up to. I know we were in same time zones but he would always wake up early to record videos so he would have more time later in the day to talk to me.

-Oh, Mrs

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-Oh, Mrs. Potato Head Tell Me, Is It True That Time Is Skippy?-

   None of his fans really knew about us. We agreed to keep it a secret for a little bit until we felt it was the right time. About a couple months into the relationship, Nate eventually bought a plane ticket to come see me. His flight was in a week. I couldn't contain my excitement. Almost a year of dating and I finally get to see him!

-Now You're Skipping Time, Time, Skipping Time-

    I got dressed, took my keys off my dresser along with my phone, and started towards the airport

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    I got dressed, took my keys off my dresser along with my phone, and started towards the airport. I was happy I left when I did because traffic was hell. I arrived at the airport an hour later and went for the gate, dodging people left and right. My heart began pounding harder and harder the nearer I got to my destination.

   I waited hesitantly at the gate. Oh my god. This is really happening. Breathe Y/N, breathe. I was tapping my foot, biting my fingernails, pacing back and forth, just about everything. I was super excited to see him but I was a nervous wreck at the same time.

   Finally, the doors to that flight opened. People spilled out and scattered around me. I jumped up and down, attempting to see past the ocean of heads to find Nate. Then, I caught sight of him. He saw me too and dropped his luggage, opening his arms for me. I squealed and ran into his embrace. I threw my arms around his neck as he picked me up and spun me in a circle. He gently placed me on the ground, tightening his grip slightly. "You don't realize how badly I waited for this.." he chuckled softly in my ear. "Me too.." I smiled up at him, as his lips connected with mine.

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