Love Me Again

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Nate's POV

It's been 8 months since Y/N and I broke up. I made a terrible mistake leaving her. But I didn't think she would care anymore. After the first week or two, I was just fine while she was torn up. Well the tables have definitely turned.

I'm absolutely miserable without her. I'm currently in a relationship with a new girl. Avery is a party animal. She was the complete opposite of Y/N. Y/N was super shy and quiet. But she did have her quirks, like how she liked to stay home and play video games, watch movies. Avery loved to go out and party till the crack of dawn.

I thought Avery would be a nice transition but I just couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. She constantly dragged me to parties when she knew I had to work. So much so, I was so far behind on videos, people thought I abandoned the channel completely. Y/N was completely understanding about my work and my community. She even helped me make videos.

Unfortunately tonight, Avery and I were going out to a club tonight. Hopefully that could get my mind off her. As we walked up to the club's entrance, a girl who looked exactly like Y/N  hesitantly walked up with another girl to the entrance.

What the fuck? That-that can't be. "Morgan.. really?" Y/N said. "Come ON Y/N.." Her friend Morgan was attempting to pull her into the building. "I..I changed my mind." Y/N said shyly.

"MM-MM. No! You already agreed! You need to get over him! This will help!" Morgan grunted as she ran behind Y/N and tried to push her in. Y/N tried to steady herself. Morgan straightened, huffing to herself. Finally, Y/N budged and went in. 

My heart was racing. I have never been so eager to get into a club. I tried to keep myself calm as Avery and I entered. Before I even had the chance to look for Y/N, Avery dragged my onto the dance floor. I bumped into so many people until we reached the inner most part of the whole cluster fuck. I really hated this type of stuff. But just as usual, Avery would be so caught up in dancing, I would be the last thing on her mind. 

This was my chance. I knew exactly where Y/N. She would be at the end of a bar, as far away from people as possible. I quickly made my way through the crap ton of sweaty bodies grinding on each other and made my way to Y/N. 

As I neared, a guy walked up behind her and started to chat with her. I rushed to the bar, close enough I was in ear shot of them. "Well.. What's a pretty girl like you doing over her all alone eh?" the man slurred. Y/N's face flushed and she did her best to avoid eye contact. She laid her hand in her hand and faced another direction. "Helloooo.." The man continued. 

Still no answer, I watched as the man grabbed her forearm, attempting to get her attention. "Hey I'm talking to you." he yanked her to face him. I ran over and shoved the guy away. "Get away from her, man." I said. "Oh? What are you gonna do about it punk?" the man slammed his drink on the bar and walked towards me. He threw a punch, hitting me in the jaw. Without a second thought, I nailed him straight in the eye. He grabbed his eye and tripped over another person. "Shit!" he shouted as he toppled over. 

"Don't test me dude." I said as he was escorted out. "N-nate?" Y/N said. I spun around to see her with wide eyes. "Y/N.." I breathed. I grabbed her hand gently. "Can we talk?" She glanced at me for a second then nodded and we made our way outside. "Nate, your cheek is all bruised up.." She reached up but I stopped her. "I'm fine don't worry." She reluctantly lowered her hand. "Look. I never should've let you go. I wanna go back to the way we were before. Everyday, I wake up with regret. Wishing I had you in my arms like before." Tears welled in Y/N's eyes.

"Oh..Nate.. I want to say yes but I'm so scared of getting hurt again..You were the love of my life." she said, looking at ground. I extended out my hand to her. She looked up slowly and took my hand. "What.. What are you doing?" she asked. I gave her a bright smile. 

"I'm gonna make you love me again." And we ran off into the city. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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