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Your POV

-in 4th grade-

I clutched the phone tightly,"1-100?" I asked Nate. He hummed quietly, thinking hard about his answer. "10." I nodded slightly. "You? 1-100?" I poked my cheek softly. "12." I replied. "Haha okay!"

Nate and I had this thing where everyday after we got out of school, we call each other as soon as we got home and talk. And every Friday, we would ask each other "1-100?" meaning "How much do you like me on a scale of 1-100?" We asked each other and every time we asked, the number would get larger.

Sadly, Nate moved out of state to Texas the end of 4th grade and we lost connection. But the week before we stopped talking, I asked him, "1-100?" He was quiet for a moment before saying,"95." I couldn't help but smile. I know I was only going into 5th grade but it was an ever-growing crush on my best friend.

-I'm Sick Of Getting Stuck In The Same Time Skip Again-

It had been a couple years since I had even thought about Nate. I hadn't completely forgotten about him but he rarely ever came to mind. I doubt he even remembers me. But I started to think about him more frequently after I moved to Texas, when I was 14.

-Misty, You're Gonna Skip Me-

I was coming up on my senior year, and my friends decided it would be fun to go to the Tri-State Fair before school starts. Great way to start the summer! Thankfully, it was my day off work so I was able to go! "C'MON (Y/N), YA WUSS." (Y/F/N) shouts, dragging me to the coaster. After desperately begging not to go, I reluctantly get on it. As I get ready to drop, I started to panic. "NOPE NOPE I CHOOSE LIFE." I scream as the coaster plunges.

After I get off, my legs feel like noodles and I'm slightly dizzy. "Have I mentioned how much I hate you?" I tease. "Only 20 times during the whole freaking ride." (Y/F/N) laughed. I accidentally bump into someone and knock their tickets out of their hands. "Shit!" They yell. "Oh crap! I'm so sorry!" I quickly start helping picking them up.

"I'm so so sorry! I should've been paying more attention!" I look up to see those dark brown eyes I haven't seen in years. "N-n..n-" I couldn't get a word out. I just couldn't get it through my head that he was right there. "(Y/N)!" Nate drops his tickets again and throws his arms around me, spinning me around. He remembered me?! "Holy shit! It's been so long!" Nate says as he places me back on the ground. "You still have those dimples!" I joke. He had gages, and was super tall. "And you're still short." He teased.

"Did I miss something here?" (Y/F/N) asks, eyeing the both of us. "Oh. Haha. Sorry. Umm.. (Y/F/N), this is my old friend, Nate." Nate and (Y/F/N) shook hands. We all caught up for a little bit before switching numbers and parting. "So.. Do you wanna spend some more time tomorrow? I wanna know what I missed with you." I smiled and happily obliged. As I was walking away, Nate yelled, "Hey! (Y/N)!" I turn around quickly as Nate called out,"100!"

Hey guys! So I kinda wrote this in one sitting so I'm sorry if it sucks. Plus it's 1 AM. But I based this off of a real thing that happened with me and a friend but I redid and added some more stuff to make it more interesting. :) so I hope ye enjoyed!

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