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Harry's POV

"I'M SITTING NEXT TO JENNY!" Niall shouted as he ran and sat next to Jenny.

"ME TOO!" Louis yelled doing the same as Niall.


"ME TOO!" Zayn agreed.

"What about me?" Liam asked pretending to cry.

"AW LIAM!" Louis said, "Sit next to me!"

Once we'd decided who was sitting where (Niall, Jenny, Louis, Liam, Zayn, Ellie and Me) we started the movie. Immediately Ellie buried her head in her hands, she really didn't like this film!

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just don't like this film much." She replied.

"Why not?"

"Don't tell anyone but it makes me snot cry, I found out the hard way."

I laughed. She glared at me. Nice move Hazza, not.


"It's fine, I just don't like watching it." She answered.

"Well this time you've got me." I winked.

"Thanks Harry." She laughed.

~ 1 hour into the film ~

"Are you okay?" I asked, the crash, was about to happen.

"No." She replied.

I put my arm around her, "Don't worry."

Slowly she leaned her head on my shoulder turning her back away from the tv.

I wished this moment could last forever, but of course it couldn't...

~the day after~

Ellie's POV

"Wake up Ellie!!!"



"WHAT?!?!?!" I sat up crying. "One Direction are dead?"

"I was kidding, I just needed you to get up." Jenny replied.

"Never do that to me again!" I said lying back down.

"That was quite mean." Zayn added in. 

"Thanks Zayn!" I said smiling, "Now leave me in peace to sleep."

"NO!" Jenny shouted.

"Why not?"

"Lottie's coming over today."

"YAY! When? I haven't seen her in ages!" I replied smiling  like an idiot.

"In about," Jenny looked at her watch, "3 hours."

"Cool, what are we going to do with her?"

"Well we can't stay here can we?"

"No I guess not," I replied, "OMG can we go to Starbucks?"

"DID I HEAR STARBUCKS?" Louis shouted running into the sitting room.

"Yes you did, me and Jenny are meeting someone there." I replied laughing.

"Can I come?" Louis asked.

"No sorry, we're meeting a friend there who's a huge directioner like us." Jenny replied.

"Oh okay then I'll pass, but if you see Eleanor tell her I said hi!"

"Sure." I smiled.

"Well you had better get changed, you're not going to Starbucks in your onesie, I'll text Lottie." Jenny announced.

~Authors Note~

I spent ages on this chapter! Hope you guys like it!!!

I did a longer one this time because I got 197 reads!!!

When I reach 200 I'll do another long one!



Dreams Can Come True~ A One Direction FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now