suprise call from simon

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Lottie's POV

"Come on Niall!" Ellie shouted as she grabbed his hand and ran upstairs.

"Harry," I said breaking the silence, "I need to talk to you in the kitchen, now."

"okay, i'm coming." Harry replied.

When Harry entered the kitchen I sat him down, "Why don't you just ask her out Harry? I saw the look you gave when she went upstairs with Niall. you really love her and she likes you to."

"I don't like her!" he replied.

"Don't act innocent to me Mr Styles," I answered. "You have to be blind to see you don't."

"I don't know where you got this from but it isn't true, we're just friends."

"They all say that but in the end you'll go out with her, why not here? why not now?" I ask getting closer.

"You don't understand Lottie, it's not that simple."

Harry's POV

Of course I loved her, I mean who wouldn't ?

but I couldn't tell Lottie, I didn't know if I could trust her.

"Harry how much simpler can it get? You love her she loves you." She carried on.

"That's just it though. What if she doesn't like me ?" I reply.

"oh my gosh harry are you blind?!" She replied laughing.

"Why do you keep saying that?" I replied fake crying and burying my head in my hands.

She lifted up my head, "Just ask her out Harry, I promise you she will say yes."

I look into her eyes, "How can you be certain?"

"I cant but I can be sure." She said as she leaned in.

I closed my eyes and started to move forward...

Zayn's POV

"Ellie and Niall have been more than 7 minutes, should I go and get them?" I asked.

"You sound so much like Liam!" Jenny laughed.

I replied, "I spend too much time with him that's why."

"I guess.." Jenny replied when she was cut of by Niall running down the stairs screaming.

"Have fun in there?" Jenny asked Ellie as she followed Niall down the stairs.

"Not really, we had a pillow fight and played Bruno mars!" She answered.

"Oh okay and before you ask Harry and Lottie are in the kitchen talking." Jenny replied.

"Guys shh!!!" I said gesturing for them to be quiet.

"Its probably Perrie." Niall groaned.

"Actually its simon." I replied sticking my tongue out at Niall to make my point.

"Put it on speaker." Niall said.

"Hi boys!" I heard simon cowell say.

"Hi simon at the moment its just me and zayn the others are busy." Niall replied.

"Okay well I have some exciting news, which you'll need to pass on to the others."

"Okay." I said nervously.

"Well you know how we recorded your film, we showed some producers and...


"OMG!!!" Me and Niall screamed.

"That's amazing!" Ellie added.

"So this weekend there is a premier for it." Simon added.

"Cool!" I said smiling.

"Okay well I have to go but before I do, bring a date!" With that Simon hung up.

~Authors Note~

hope you guys liked this update!

what do you think happened to Harry and Lottie?

Who will go to the premier?

remember, fan, vote and comment!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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