New York Lovers

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 Everyone wants to know how I ended up here. A lot of people didn't expect this from me and some did. Juvenile hall. Some would say my life changed the day my mother died but I insist it was the day I was born. How else could you explain me? The minute I was alive and breathing I was already hated. My dad's side of the family didn't want me to be alive, and my grandmother didn't either. My mother doubted if she had done the right thing with not aborting me. Supposedly everyone's opinion changed when the saw me. I was a beautiful light complected child with huge hazel colored eyes and pitch black hair. I was an average child my first year but then my mother had to work.

I was sent to a babysitter who hated me. I was verbally and physically abused. I guess you could say I was scarred for life but I got over it over the years. Those tormentous days went on for quite some time. I would cry loudly with such emotion every morning when they dropped me off. My parents never understood why until I could finally speak and explain. The fact that I learned to speak didn't do much of a difference when I got into elemantary school. I was once again abused but this time by my so called "friends." As a result of that bulling I grew insecure about myself for a while. My parents were never really home so they never saw my bloody noses or bruises I had when I got home after school.

Besides my horrible childhood I was freakishly weird all on my own. I'm what I guess you could call dark. I like to sleep days and roam nights, I like the taste of blood, and fall at random times but can be stealthy when I want. Even though I have dark hair and have to bleach it constantly to die my hair with different colored streaks. I love to gaze at the stars and the moon all night. I can read all day under the sun and forget what world I live in. I'm not your average teen. I'm very protective over my body and don't like to let anyone into my life. I hate bothering people with my problems and try to deal with life on my own. I like being alone but only to some extent on account of all my phobias. Generally you never know what to expect from me.

Hi, my name's Alice Richardson and I'm a 15 year old freshman in Madison high in loner town but my parents make me call it Summit Hills. I'm addicted to music and movies, that's normal to me so if it isn't for you we're gonna have a hard time getting along here. I'm not a very good socializer so I don't have many friends...not yet anyways.

I do a lot of things I never plan on doing. Like getting arrested. As far as my memory goes I remember when I first talked to them. I had climbed through my window with my skateboard and gone out for a ride at midnight. I know it sounds crazy but hey I couldn't take the screams anymore. Anyways as I was riding around town I turned a corner and bumped into Conner. Me being a freshman and him a senior, fear quickly ran through my body as I got ready to take a punch from making him mad. I shielded my face with both my hands waiting for the impact but after a few minutes I noticed he hadn't hit me. I put my arms down and looked at him questioningly. I hadn't noticed his group of friends behind him and realizing this now I grew even more frightened.

"You didn't seriously think I'd hit a girl did you?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to snap a smartass remark on reflex but then thought about it twice. "Umm kinda"

"Well I'm not gonna hit a girl much less a cute one," he said with a smirk on his face "And hey what's a girl doing out all alone at this hour in this part of town anyways?"

"Just t-t-taking a stroll to clear my m-mind that's all" I stuttered

"Well hey you wanna see something cool?"

"Um yea sure"

I followed them through an alley which led to a street I had never seen before but it was obviously some kind of rich neighborhood. The guys walked over to a tall two story house with a huge lawn that was obviously taken care of very often. There was a fountain off the the side that looked very elegant, and rose bushes lined the side of the house which clearly had an enormous backyard. The windows were all dark with no detection of movement inside. I was a bit confused as to why they brought me here and even more confused as to why I had agreed to follow. Probably to feel dangerous and be glad I didn't have to go home yet. I wasn't too sure what they were up to but I had a feeling it would be something that could get us into some deep trouble. I stood there lost in my own thoughts so I didn't notice that the guys were pulling out water ballons from a plastic bag. I watched them as they all loaded up then Connor turned around and handed me some.

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