That Ex-Boyfriend

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The weekend went by fast as there was really nothing to do. Monday morning as I was getting ready for school my mind drifted towards Connor. I couldn't help but get the kiss he gave me out of my mind. This guy seemed to be the kind that goes from one girl to the next. I couldn't let myself get involved with him I decided.

On my way to school I crossed a street when a nice black mercedes drove up behind me. At first I expected it to just be parking in front of the house I was passing but then I noticed it was following me. I turned around and I saw a black convertible with Xavior in the driver's seat. He smiled at me and rolled down the window that was closest to me. The car was a nice metallic black vehicle with creme colored, leather interior and it looked spotless. It was obvious his parents had money but he didn't seem arrogant about it.

"Hey" He said smiling at me in a nice pleasent way.


"Don't tell me you walk to school"

"Okay I won't tell you" I said laughing lightly. For some strange reason I felt comfortable with him, kind of safe. It was strange but nice.

"Here I'll give you a ride, get in," he offered

"No it's okay I'm fine with walking, school's not that far"

"C'mon get in, besides Connor woud never forgive me if I let you walk to school"

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"Nevermind just get in the car and I'll take you to school"

"I'm not getting in that car until you tell me what you meant by Connor will get mad at you if you let me walk"

"Okay fine I'll tell you if you get in the car"

I narrowed my eyes at him trying to figure out what was on his mind. No such luck. He's one of those people who is practically impossible to read.


I climbed into his nice car and attempted to put on the seatbelt. After a bit of struggling Xavior reached over and quickly buckled me in. He began to drive towards school and after a few minutes of silence it didn't seem he was going to begin explaining so I decided I would take the iniciative

"Okay so tell me what you meant" I stated looking directly at him. Although his eyes were thankfully on the road I knew he could feel my intense gaze on him.

"I just meant that he seems to be very fond of you"

"What? I just met him though"

He chuckled lightly."Not like that sweetie, I meant in a friend kind of way. It's takes time to get Connor to fall for someone."


I felt slightly embrrassed that I had immediately jumped to that conclusion. Great, now he was probably going to think I have a crush on Connor or something.

"It's fine, I should have clarrified a little bit more. Anyone could have misinterpreted that incorrectly"

The rest of the car ride was quiet. Not in an awkward way but a kind of peaceful way. I guess Xavior was just one of those kind of people you could easily be around.

Once we arrived at the school I got out of the car and turned to say thanks to Xavior when I realized he was walking towards the rest of the guys beside another very nice car. I quiclky followed him but by the time I reached him he was already in front of the other guys. They all turned to me as I arrived behind Xavior. Adam immediately jumped from where he was and enveloped me in a tight hug.


"Umm hey Adam"

"Are you gonna be hanging out with us from now on?"

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