Finally Freedom

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"Alice Breeann Richardson what is going on here!?"  My father practically screamed with his face a million shades of red.

"ummm I...I...ummm I c-can explain"

"Don't waste your breath Alice, I should be heading out. Thanks for letting me hang out with you for a while." Swiftly he got up off of me and began to head out of my room. When he pulled back he wispered in my ear  "I'll see you tomorrow" with that he winked at me, got off me, and tried to make his way past my parents.

"Where exactly do you think you're going young man?"

"Umm home sir isn't that where I'm supposed to be?"

"Yes in fact you should be instead of coming here and disrespecting my house!"

"I disagree sir. I have not done anything to disrespect you or your home."

"That is exactly what he was doing and you too young lady! How dare you bring him into your room!?"

"Dad it's not what it looked like! He's just my friend"

"A friend!? Is that what you call him!? A "friend" does not simply coem into another "friend's" room and be in the postition that you two were in. I wasn't born yesterday and I know full well what you were up to. I raised you so I knw what I have at home. An selfish brat who thinks she can get away with bring her little boy toys into my house!"

"Your "house!?" Is that what you call it!? Last time I checked you're never even here!"

"I am here when I have the chance. I work very hard to give you everything you need" he practically shouts at me

"I don't need money or elctronics, clothes, maids, a big room, a huge house where I'm alone all the time. What I need is you! For you to be here long enough to know my favorite color or something. You're never home! I don't understand why you made me move here when you're just going to do the same thing you did in New York and abandon me!" I was shouting now and the thought of Connor still in my room witnessing everything didn't even cross my mind once. "All you ever do is work and go on business trips with mom, neither of you is here more than a week a month. You send me money all the time but I don't spend it. I leave it there in your bank account. I don't need your money, what I need are my parents. You know the people who are always supposed to be there for you and know you better than anyone!? Becauwe apparently you don't know me!" by the time I had finished I was out of breath. I could picture my face burning red with anger. 

After my long rant on my complains against my parents I finally realized that they were all staring at me with surprise all over their faces. Connor looked at me with wide eyes. My father looked at me in shock, my mother didn't look like she was breathing anymore.

I couldn't believe I had just said that. I had never had the courage to tell them what I felt and especially not in front of someone else...but in the midst of my anger at them acting like they were always there for me and having the right to say they knew me just made my lose my patience. We were all there for a few minutes in the awkward silence I had just formed. It was uncomfortable and I couldn't help but fidgit on my bed. I looked down at my hands and started playing with them.

My dad finally broke the silence and my head whipped up to give him my attention as he said "I think I need some fresh air."

"I think I do too" added my mom and then followed him out down the hall.

So now I was jsut sitting there on my bed with Connor standing nervously near my door. 'What a great way to make a friend huh Alice' I though to myself. Oh great now what wwas he going to think about me? Probably that I was one of those depressed girls who's always getting into fights with her parents over little things.' Darn it!' I told myself.

"So umm I'm sorry you had to witness that, it doesn't usually happen"

"I kind of noticed by the way they reacted"


"Hey well don't feel bad, it really looked you had been holding it in for a while and it's gppd that you let it out."


"No problem well I think I have to start heading home now. I'll see you at school Monday."

"Okay yea sure"



And with that he walked out of my room leaving me there sitting, thinking, and replaying what had just happened in my head.

After a sitting on my bed a few minutes later I decided a nice warm shower would help me relax and get to bed.  I walked into my nice violet colored bathroom decorated with seashells. I had candles and little fountains all around that I could turn on with a remote I had. I turned them all one and played my little radio with smooth melodies. As I let the water run my thoughts drifted towards Connor. Why did he kiss me? I just met him today for crying out loud! This couldn't happen. I had told myself that I wouldn't start a relationship with anyone here because I didn't plan to stay here long enough. Something about him makes me think this is all just a game for him. I can't fall for him I just can't.

After my nice relaxing shower I went downstairs to make myself a cup of tea. My parents had already gone to bed and so the only other person up  besides me was the maid. I patiently waited for my tea to be done and then I walked  up the stairs to my room. I set my tea down on my bedside table and layed down on my comfortable king sized orthpedic bed with dark purple sheets. As I layed there I thought about the kiss Connor gave me. It had felt so different...ugh I am not going to fall for him!

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