The Frat Boy (A Niall Horan Fanfiction)

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"Lacy, what happens if we get lost? Or if everyone hates us Or-" "Christa, calm down. Everything is going to be fine, we just have to stay positive ." I sighed and began walking to Lacy and I's dorm. We walked for about 5 minutes before we arrived at our dorm.

"WOAH. THIS PLACE IS HUGE." Lacy exclaimed. I agreed with her as I began to look around. There was a walk in closet, a bathroom, two showers, and two full size beds. We started to unpack, but didn't get much done due to Lacy's constant complaining. "Come on, Chris! Lets go look around!" I groaned, but finally gave into her whining.

"This place is ginormous!" I said excitedly. "It is, isn't it?" An unfamiliar voice said. Just then, I turned around to see a blond boy with beautiful blue eyes walk up to Lacy and I. "Hey, I'm Niall Horan, and you are?" he said pointing to me. "Im Christa. Christa Becker, and that's my best friend, Lacy Jones." He smiled. "Well, Christa and Lacy, are you guys new here?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "Yup." He was about to say something, but stopped suddenly as a tall blonde girl walked by.

"Hold on." He said, and began walking with the Blonde girl, flirting in every way possible. She began to laugh an obnoxious laugh, as she slipped her number into his pants. Typical. He must be a frat boy. Before I could say anything more, he ran back over to Lacy and I. "Sorry, that was just a friend." He said smiling. "Save it. We don't want to get involved with any players, or frat boys, as you like to be called." I grabbed Lacy's arm, and pulled her away, and began walking back to our dorm.

"Christa! What was that for? He was hot!" I scoffed. "Yeah, but he was a frat boy." She cocked her head to the side. "Whats that?" I began to explain to her. "A frat boy is someone who likes to get into every girls pants, and only worries about partying, girls, and his friends." She furrowed her eye brows. "How did you get all of that from a five minute conversation?" I sighed. "Did you not see him run over that girl and basically undress her with his eyes? And you could smell the alcohol on his breath Lacy."

She sighed and just shook her head. "Christa, this Is your problem. You judge people even before you get to know them. Maybe if you got to know Niall a little bit better, you would know the real him. You can't just make a sudden judgment on someone you don't even know." I rolled my eyes, but I guess she was right. "Lets just go to bed, we have classes tomorrow."

The next day, Lacy and I woke up at half past six. Classes started at 8:30, but we figured we needed time to get ready. I told Lacy that I was going to take a quick shower, and grabbed my towel and shower products and hopped in. I washed my body and hair with body wash, and shampoo and conditioner that smelled like Strawberries.

When I was done, I blow dried my hair, loosely curled it, and then applied light makeup. When I was done, I picked out my outfit, skinny jeans, pink converse, a black beanie, and a grey shirt that fell off the shoulder and had "Love" written on the front. "Do I look okay?: I turned to ask Lacy, but she was too busy getting ready. She had straightened her hair, and applied a bit more makeup that I had, but it went good with her chocolate brown eyes. She was wearing pink skinny jeans, black high-tops, and a shirt that fit her curves perfectly.

"Damn girl, you look hot." She winked at me. "Stop messing around, its time to go." I said laughing.

The first class we had today was a class about singing, and helping your vocal chords. Since Lacy and I both loved to sing, we both took that class. When we walked in, a lady who looked a bit like Cher Lloyd was sitting at her desk, going over the class list. Lacy and I said hello, and she gave us a quick "Good Morning." before going back to her work.

We walked up to the last row, and took a seat next to a girl with medium length brown hair, and brown eyes, and a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. "Hey! I'm Eleanor, and that's my boyfriend Louis!" She said as she introduced herself. "Hi! I'm Christa, and that's Lacy." She smiled, "Nice to meet you!" We exchanged small talk for a few minutes, but were interrupted as four boys walked in. "Hey Louis! What's up man?" One of them shouted. Louis got up and ran over to the boy and his friends.

I couldn't help but notice one boy in particular, Niall. "Oh Hey Christa! You take music?" He asked, smiling. I rolled my eyes and went back to my conversation with Eleanor. She leaned in close and whispered, "My advice to you is, stay away from Niall, he's bad news. He's been with half the girls on campus, and has a bad reputation." I nodded, "I've noticed. But what about his friends, and your boyfriend, are they just as bad as he is?" She looked over to them, and back at me, "Nope, they're all Frat boy's, Louis too, but they have respect for girls. Well, all of them but Niall and Harry at least."

I looked over to the curly haired boy she was glaring at. 'That must be Harry' I said to myself. "Note to self, stay away from him." I made a mental note in my head. Just as the bell rang, Louis walked back over and took his previous seat next to Eleanor. "Good Morning guys! I'm Ms. West, and I'll be your professor for the rest of the year!" She smiled. She was honestly gorgeous. She didn't even look like a professor. She was wearing a pink shirt that said "Love Music." on the front, skinny jeans, and a pair of black pumps.

"I know it's the first day, and most of you don't want to do work, but we're going to begin a project!" There were a few groans, and a few excited squeals erupted through the room. "The project is going to be to sing a duet with the partner I give you. You can think of this project as a time to get to know one another as well!"

She walked back to her desk and grabbed the clip board she was holding earlier, and began to speak, "So, the partners are going to be, Zayn and Perrie, Liam and Danielle, Louis and Eleanor, Harry and Lacy, and last but not least, Niall and Christa."

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