Chapter 3: Get to know me

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Niall's P.O.V.

As the bell rang, Christa got out of her seat and dashed for the door. "Christa wait!" No response. "Christa seriously, wait." She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face me. "Look Niall, I told you before, I don't want anything to do with you. The only time we are going to talk is in class. Understood?" "Christa I-" But before I could say anything else, she cut me off. "Understood?" I just sighed and nodded.

What had I done to her that was so bad? I get it, I'm an asshole, but that doesn't mean I don't care. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Hey mate, you okay?" Louis asked, walking over with Eleanor.

"Yeah. No, I don't know. Shes just so fucking stubborn. I get that I can be an ass, but once I try to get things back into place, she completely shoots me down!" Louis nodded, thinking, and Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Niall are you fucking serious? You have been with every girl on campus. Christa isn't like all of these other girls that you sleep with and then never call again. Shes got more self respect." Eleanor spat.

"I know. She's not like any of them. Shes different, I get it. Whenever I'm around her, I get this weird feeling in my stomach, and when she looks me in the eyes, it feels like we're the only people in the room." I began to zone out, thinking about Christa until Eleanor began to speak again.

"Niall, you do this all the time. I only met Christa, but im already protective over her, and I know that if she falls for you, theres going to be nothing but heartbreak, and I'm not going to let that happen to her. Understand me Horan?" I rolled my eyes and walked away from Louis and Eleanor.

Why do I have to be such an ass to people? I grunted out of frustration and punched the brick wall in front of me, bad choice. "FUCK" I screamed, looking at my hand. My knuckles were now bloody, and I couldn't move my hand. "Are you okay?" Someone asked. I turned to look at the person who asked if I was okay, and that's when I looked at her.


Sorry guys! I know this chapter is REALLLY short, but I couldn't think of anything to write:/ I know it's not that good either. Sorry.


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