Chapter 7

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Christa's P.O.V

        "I-I had a flashback." Was all that I could seem to push out of my mouth. "Christa, calm down. Breath. It was just a bad dream. You're fine." Niall was wrong. I was no where near fine. "Do you want to talk about it?" I swallowed loudly and nodded.

*Flashback from 3 years earlier*

        "Christa, dear, your Uncle Michael and his son Michael Jr. are here!" My mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming mom." Why didn't she understand? I hated Michael and Michael jr. They were terrible people. I sauntered down the stairs, making as much noise as possible. "Hello Chris." Uncle Michael gave that evil grin. "It's CHRISTA." My mother looked at me, "Christa Mae don't be so rude." I grunted and rolled my eyes.

        "Christa, we have some news. Your aunt Marie is sick. Her cancer has come back and we don't know how long she has. She wants me to come out there to spend time with her, so for the next week, you will be staying with Michael and Michael Jr." I gasped. "Mom, you can't be serious. They don't even like me." I looked over to them. Uncle Michael winked. "You're right Christa. We don't like you. We LOVE you." I almost puked at the sound of his voice.

        "Bye sweetheart! Have a good time! I'll call you every night to make sure you're tucked into bed!" I rolled my eyes. "Mom, I'm 15 years old. I'm not a baby." My mom laughed and gave me a small peck on the cheek.

        "So, Chris. How have you been?" Michael Jr. questioned. "Well for starters, it's Christa, and I've been good. How about you?" I glared at him. "A lot better now that you're here." Him and his father chuckled simultaneously. I scoffed. They were disgusting.

        "Ah. Home sweet home." My uncle whispered. As we walked in the house, the smell of cigarettes and burnt toast hit my nose. "Would it kill you guys to clean up once in a while?" I spat out at them. Completely ignoring me, they showed me to my room.

        "Since we only have two rooms, you'll be sharing a room with Michael Jr." I rolled my eyes, yet again. "Great." I walked over to the shit pile that they called a bed. "You're kidding me, right?" I turned around to Uncle Mike. "You want me to sleep on THIS." I motioned to the pile of blankets on the floor. Anger flashed through his eyes and within an instant, his hands were grasped onto the hood of my jacket, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

     "Listen up, Princess. Ever since my wife Camille died, it's been pretty lonely around here, but not anymore. From this moment on, you're mine." I gulped loudly and tried to run. "Nowhere to run now, Princess."

*End of Flashback*

   "Chris! I cant believe that happened to you." I looked up into Niall's bright baby blues. I couldnt say a word. How could I? I just told a basic stranger my deepest, darkest secret! I put my head down and began to sob. Within seconds, I felt a tear drop fall onto the back of my neck. I looked up once again to see Niall, the baddest of the bad, the wildest party boy, crying. Niall fucking Horan was crying. "Niall, are you c-crying?" I stuttered out.

     Niall's P.O.V.

    "Niall, are you c-crying?" Christa stuttered. I raised my finger up to my eye and caught a tear drop in mid-fall. "No! Of course not! I'm a man! Men don't cry Chris." She giggled. I dont know why, but when i saw her smile, even though her smile was sad and broken, my heart just kind of went "Oh, there you are, I've been looking for you."

        I dont want to feel like this. This isnt who i am. I'm a party boy. I stay out late, I get drunk, I have sex, that's who I am. This isn't me. I shook my head, trying to clear all of the thoughts out of my mind. Nothing was working.

     The next day, after everyone heavily medicating themselves because of hangovers, we decided to go to the movies. "Niall, you coming?" I hear Harry chirp from across the hall. "Ah, damn, yeah!" I stood up off my bed, hangover clear in my body. Not even medicine was helping me this time. "Niall, let's go, we're going to be late!" 

     Harry's P.O.V.

     "What movie do you guys want to see?" Liam asked the group. "Oh! Let's go see Insidious 2! I heard that was really scary. " Perrie chimed in. "Any other suggestions?" We all looked around at one another, silently confirming on Insidious 2. "Alright I guess it's settled. Let's get the tickets and find our seats, shall we?" Everyone nodded and we walked into the theater.

     "C'mon Christa, let's go over there." Niall said, tugging Christa's forearm.  I cocked my head a bit, then turned to Lacy to see the exact same reaction on her face. We both just shrugged and took our seats.

     Halfway into the movie, the lads and I were all cuddled up to our girls, even Niall and Christa were slightly leaning into each other. What's up with those two?

     After about an hour and a half later, the movie ended. "That was so scary!" Dani said, still clinging onto Liam's arm.

     "How bout we go to something even more fun?" Louis said, a smirk across his face. "What are you getting us into?" Little did we know, we were in for a hell of a night.



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