3. Hogwarts, Here I come

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It was sunday the 1st of September, and Jasmine woke up feeling more refreshed than ever. A month had gone by since Mcgonagall had come to pick her up, and a lot had changed. She had read a lot about Wizarding ways, took a class in quill writing and wore decent clothes. She talked with Tom alot, he was alot smarter than he looked, and she enjoyed the discussions they shared very much. Halfway through the last month, Mcgonagall had written her by owl. She had told Jasmine that no matter what she would never see the Dursleys again. Vernon and Petunia were put in jail for neglect, abuse and child molestation. They would be out very soon... Dudley, however spoiled and ruined he was, was send to a very strict institution were they were trying to re-educate him. They were still in search for a family were she could live till she turned eighteen, and Minerva had promised she would get to choose.

She forced herself to eat breakfast, because she knew although she was so excited she barely got her good down her throat, she would regret it if she didnt eat anything. She double-checked her bag and trunk and took off. She took a taxi from just outside the leaky cauldron to kings cross station. She knew exactly were to go  and was pretty Early. There werent many people yet. "Perfect!" she thought. At least not many people to stare at her or her scar. She had her hogwarts robes on already, and with her trunk, bag and her owl Andromeda (which she bought a few days ago, it was a lightbrown screech owl), she entered the train. She placed her trunk in the reck, and went to search for a compartement. On the way, she saw a blond boy coming her way. "Hi, are you a first year too?" he asked friendly. "Yes, I am, do want to sit with me?" she asked, a little nervous. She had never had any friends before and wasnt really used to people her age being friendly to her. "Off course, M'lady" he said with a small bow and a wicked grin on his face. They took a compartement and sat down. "So what is your name?"
"Draco, Draco Malfoy" he answered. "Perhaps you know my name?" "What is your name? I've never seen you before, and I do know  a lot of pureblood firsties you know". She blushed, she knew no-one, he'd probably ditch her as soon as they left the train.. After seeing the hurt expression on his soon to be friend, draco quickly said: " It doesnt matter you know, I would love to get to know you"!

They talked about a variety of things, not once getting bored. Halfway through their Journey, some friends of Draco came by. A dark skinned boy, a pretty girl with short dark hair in a bobline cut and a blond girl. They introduced themselves as  Blaise, Pansy and Tracey respectively. A while later, 2 fat guys and a very pretty girl with long dark braided hair also came by. It was very nice, amd she got to know them a bit. Blaise was a very smart guy, but he wasnt one to brag or in need of attention. Pansy, however was the complete opposite of him. She craved spotlight, which she was very used to since her parents were rich and pampered her since she was an only child. Tracey and Daphne were nice and smart. They were already good friends who knew eachother since birth.

They continued to have a nice conversation, until the door was almost blasted open. In the doorway stood a freckled redhaired boy with some dirt on his nose. "There you are!" he said. Then he crinkled his nose. "Why are you sitting with THEM? You dont have to pretend you like you know, you can just sit with us!" he said arrogantly as if it was something she should want. Completely thrown aback by his rude behaviour she asked "Im sorry, who are you? I dont think I know you"! The boy reddend slighty, but answered nevertheless. "My name is Ron, Ron weasley. Our parents knew eachother. We are supposed to be best friends!" He said matter-of-factly. She looked at him, slightly pitying. What an ignorant rude boy this was indeed. "Well, Im perfectly fine sitting with my *friends*, amd I dont like it when you insult them. So perhaps its best if you just leave...Ron" she said trying not to laugh at the ridiculous boy. He blushed and left quickly, his goons behind him following swiftly.

"Friends?" Daphne repeated. "Yes, that how I feel...Im sorry if you didnt think that way". She said, feeling stupid. "No its fine, Friend!" Daphne answered with a smile.

An hour or so later, they arrived at the station. A huge man with a big beard called out the firsties and let them to the boats. There were 4 people a boat, and Jasmine, draco, tracey,  and Daphne took 1. Crabbe, goyle, pansy and Blaise took another. A few minutes later they were all wowed by the fantastic view of Hogwarts. It was the most incredible place Jasmine had ever seen! As they excited their boats, they heard a rathrr chubby boy scream: "trevor! There you are!" while picking up his toad. Draco shook his head disapprovingly. Then they were lead through the hall, were Proffesor Mcgonagall explained what was going to happen. Draco had told her about the houses, and what they stood for. Gryffindor was for the brave, ravenclaw for the Clever, hufflepuff for the loyal and Slytherin for the ambitious. He also told her they were going to be sorted by a hat, which was to be put on their head. Jasmine hoped she would be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw, since those were most appealing to her. Draco proudly said he would probably be in Slytherin, since his whole family had been there. Next to her, she heard the rude boy converse with his friends how they would be sorted. He thought they were going to fight something. She shook her head, stupid boy. Off course they werent gonna fight, it was a school for goodness sake! Then they entered the Great hall. It was as beautiful as everything she had yet seen of Hogwarts. She already felt at home here. They were put in line, and by name they were sorted. The busy haired girl that was talking to "Ron" was apperently named Hermione, and she seemed to be conversing with the hat. Finally, the hat decided to put her in Ravenclaw. The Chubby boy, called Neville was sorted into Hufflepuff and seemed to be particularly relieved. Daphne was sorted into Slytherin, along with draco, tracey and Pansy. Crabbe and Goyle were both into Hufflepuff and seemed to be ashamed somehow. Then it was her turn. She walked up front, trying to remain as calm as possible. She sat down and put the hat on her head, the last thing she saw being Mcgonagall giving her an encouraging smile. "hmmm interesting!" said the hat. "Very smart, cunning, and a thirst to prove yourself. You could go to Ravenclaw, but there is no doubt you belong in Slytherin! He said, the last word out loud. Relieved to be with Draco, and in a house she liked, she put off the hat and walked to her table. She at down and gave draco a high five, then noticed it was rather silent. Almost Everyone was staring at her in shock, the headmaster, the teachers. A certain Proffesor with dark hair and clothes was eying her curiously, as if trying to figure out what was going on.

The rest of the evening was relatively uneventfull. They ate, then were sent upstairs. But then the Dark haired Proffesor walked in and He happened to be their head op house. He started his speech....

Sorry for the cliffhanger, but this chapter seemed to last forever, I had to cut it. Like, follow, comment?

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