Slytherin, eh?

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He started his speech. "As you all know you are in Slytherin, the house of the ambitious and the cunning. We  are wrongfully looked down on by the rest of the school, but thats why we have a one strict rule every single slytherin student will have to obey. Stay together at all times and be as one. Never show any interhouse conflicts outside of the common room, and be a family. Do not dare to lose points or besmudge our reputation. We have won the house cup several years in a row and Im very attached to the cup in my office. Thats it for now, tomorrow at breakfast youll be handed your schedule and your prefects will explain the rest. Make sure all of you first years stay together and arrive well on time, breakfast starts at 8 so be there 5 to 8. You are Dismissed!

Jasmine breathed, kind of nervous. This man was obviously not one to mess with, not like she had planned anything, but still. She and Draco wanted to walk away just like the other firsties but were called back. "POTTER and Malfoy, a word if you please?" He asked in a voice that didnt at all sound questioning. "Malfoy stay here I first want to talk to Potter". He said and Draco nodded, not at all intimidated. He took her to his office just outside the common room and closed the doors. "So Potter, you thought you could just come here and ruin our reputation, eh? So, hoe did you manipulate the sorting hat into placing you here, did you bribe it? Do want to continue your fathers legacy and destroy me? Its all the same with you Potters! He said furiously, his head turning a slight red which was very notable on his normally pale face. I just sat there, too stunned to say anything. I was used to be yelled at, and usually for something she hadnt done, so that wasnt the problem. The problem was that she thought she was safe. She had had a *false* sense of security and she paying its toll right now. Finally regaining control she answered." I have no idea were you ate talking about sir, the sorting hat put me here and Im just happy to be here because Ive heard a lot of *good* things about this house and I've made some good friends already sir". She said, wincing as she heard her voice quivering slightly. She saw his expression shift ever so slightly, a regular person wouldnt notice but as she was used to gaining a blank mask herself, she recognized it. He recomposed himself and after what seemed an hour or so, he finally answered. "I believe you." he said, his expression softening. "You are so much like your mother. Luckily you dont look like your father all that much. You are much more like her, she could have been in Slytherin if she wanted. I am sorry fo rmy earlier behaviour, my and your father...didnt have a very good say the least. Well make your mom proud of you. Since your in my house, Id like to ask you what exactly you know about the legacy around you." Pretty much everything anyone in this world seems to know, I've looked it up together with some other subjects of Wizarding history and Magic." she answered truthfully. Snape looked approving. "Good. Ill tell you more later on, for now you may go. Tell draco his parents are proud of him". Jasmine looked up surprised, seeing a smug expression on Snapes face upon seeing her surpise. She walked out and told Draco anyway, and he beamed. "Great!" he said, and they walked back to their dorms. "Oh, by the way, Sev is my godfather so the fact that I like you helps his approval of you. But I must say he must really approve of you, being so open. He is a very closed person, yah know? I gasp in suprise." He is your Godfather?! Why didn't you tell me?! Draco smirks. "Well, now I have seen your face I don't know anymore! He laughs and we arrive at the stairs." So, goodnight, Jasmine, see you tomorrow? Yeah, off course, be here at 7?" Draco winces visibly. "I hate waking up early, but I guess I have to get used to it here. Thats is okay, I believe breakfast begins at half past 7 so we'll have enough time to walk to the hall! Goodnight, Draco! I answer and wave before climbing the stairs to the girls dorms.

When I open the door, I see a beautiful round green-silver colored dorm with 5 beds. I see my belonging are allready stationed next to the bed in the middle next to a window. There are four other girls in the dorm, busy talking. One of them looks up as I enter." Jasmine! She says, and walks up to introduce herself." Im Tracey, Im sure you rem me from the train, right? I look up at the blond girl in front of me and smile. Yes of course Tracey, how could I forget you!" I say jokingly. The rest of the night is spent unpacking and chatting with the other girls. There is one girl I hadn't met yet,  her name is Milliecent Bullstrode, or Millie for friends as she had said. She seemed nice but was a little shy and was continuesly bossed around by Pansy.

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