Chapter 5

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Kendall's P.O.V 

Harry and I had become really close these past few weeks! 

I wouldn't say anything was going on between us though, which I'm happy about because if we ever split up I wouldn't want to lose our friendship. I have his back and he has mine. 

However, lately someone in the school has been leaving me notes in my locker, not nice ones. At the beginning I used to shrug them off and not care, but they've become more frequent and a lot more intense. I haven't told anyone about them as I wanted to just see if they'd go away on their own, but they haven't. They started off saying phrases like "SLUT" or "WHORE" which is why I didn't mind them at first, but then they progressed to "Harry is only your friend because he pities your ugliness" and "Do everyone a favour and go die please" That one hurt. 

The next day I got another note saying to meet them behind the Gym after school because they wanted to see me, at least then I'd find out who it was so I could put an end to it before it affected me really badly. 

It was 3pm so I picked up my English book and put it in my locker, grabbed my leather jacket and headed over to the gym. My legs felt like jelly and I couldn't stop trembling, I wondered why they wanted to see me all of a sudden? 

I began to wonder if it was just Marie being petty and ridiculous because of her break-up with Harry, even though she broke up with him. I was stood against the wall behind the gym waiting for someone to appear. 

"Hello Bitch" 

The deep voice made me jump, I turned around and couldn't believe who was stood behind me. 


Charlie was my bully for about 2 years in Primary school (For Americans this will be elementary school-middle school). He used to smack me, push me onto the gravel so I'd hit my head, he once put me in hospital as he pushed me off the slide and I broke my arm, I was 8. 

"Ha, did you miss me?" He smirked as he walked closer to me. 

"What are you doing here? How did you get those notes into my locker?" 

"I transferred here 2 weeks ago to find you, I believe we have some unfinished business bitch." 

"What do you-" 

Before I could even finish he took his clenched fist and connected it harshly to my stomach making me fall backwards onto the ground. He then stamped on my head, laughed and walked away. Tears rolled down my cheeks as the pain was so severe. I put my hand up to my head and there was a small cut from his shoe, I was bleeding but not much. I managed to stand myself up and walk home to quickly cover this up with makeup before my parents got home from work. 

"Kenny?" My mum said 

"Yeah mom?" 

"What's that bruise from on the side of your head?" 

"Oh, I-uh, I fell down earlier as I didn't see the wet floor sign in school." 

"Oh, well I hope you're alright, be careful next time." 

"Will do, thanks mom" 

As she headed out she came back in again "Oh and is pizza alright for dinner?" 

"Yeah sounds good!" 

The bullying didn't stop there either, it continued to happen every other day at least, he'd slap me, verbally abuse me, threaten me, punch me, kick me, everything. I had bruises all over me, I couldn't even do anything about it.

He said if I tell anyone, he'll make my life a living hell...

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