Date: 4/6/1995

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April 6th 1995
"Mom?" I ask with tears in my eyes.
"Yes Melodia?" My lovely mother says with a warming voice.
"Why are you coughing? Are you sick?" I ask. My breath becomes shaky.
"No dear. Everything is fine." She says. She then coughs again, and she falls down. My father helps her up and I gasp. Is she really ok?

2 hours later:
"Melodia can you please come here?" She asks me. I am alert. My mother needs help. I rush to her side.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Your father wanted to name you Melodia. At the time, I loved the name. But considering how strong and confident you grew, I would like it if you change your name." She says gently.
"Choose a name you like." She sighs. I can tell that she barely had enough breath to say that. She coughs even more.
She sighs. "Something else."
I think for a moment. I've always loved the name Musa.
"Musa." I say sternly.
She smiles. "When I'm gone.... I mean when I am well, you must change your name." She says. I nod, although I still don't get why she says "when I'm gone." But I push all my conclusions aside because I learned that if you think too much about life, you could regret it later on.
"Melodia. Come here." My father scowls. I rush to his side. My father used to be so loving and gentle.... But once my mother got sick, he started acting more stern and cold.
"You must work in the shop tomorrow if you want to help me." She says.
"I never said I wanted to help you." I say softly. He raises an eyebrow.
" then do it for your mother." He scowls. I start to walk away, but he trips me. I look at him and all he says is "you disgrace."
At that moment, all hope is lost. My eyes swell with tears.

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