OMG It's Actually My Husband

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Chapter 1: OMG It's Actually My Husband

I scrolled mindlessly through Jacksepticye's channel page hoping to find a video of his that I haven't watched yet, though I knew it was hopeless. I've watched all of his videos 12 times. I couldn't help myself. He was too entertaining. I was in love.

I plugged out my ear buds and closed my laptop after writing my good night tweet to Jack, sighing audibly. "I hope he notices me one day. I love him and he is beyond perfect."

I grabbed my green duvet that matched my pillows and the posters that I had of Jack on my walls and lied down, covering myself. Why the hell is it so cold here? I get this was Ireland and all but the weather could at least TRY to be welcoming. My first night in Dublin and it's 30 degrees Fahrenheit. It was great, really. I started to pray for Jack to marry me one day as I turned of my night light.

Dear God, can you please help Jack meet and marry me so we can have 26 children and a green dog I know I pray for this everyday but I really want it to happen thanks bro so good talking to you m8

Sincerely, Jamilla McYandere

I eventually fell asleep only to wake up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare that I caught my husband, Jacksepticye of course, in bed with an anime body pillow. I was beyond mad and I couldn't believe that he would do that to me, even though it was in a dream. How rude of him. I understand that body pillows are attractive and all but of all people it had to be that pink haired bitch from Naruto?!?! I was beyond furious but I quickly got over it by burning seventeen pictures of that anime character and then shredding the ashes. It was more fun than usual.

That night I proceeded to watch Jacksepticye's funniest moments compilations until I fell asleep.


I woke up to hear my alarm clock blaring "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies" over and over again. Hearing his sexy voice in the morning turned me on on so many different levels.

I grabbed my favorite shirt from his merch store and some green ripped jeans. Today was the first day of school so I had to let people know that I was a HUGE fan of Jack and also that I was equivalent to a shamrock because I was greener than grass during spring that day.

I showered and brushed my teeth after making sure that my black converse were by the door to my room, where I left them. My dog, Septiplier Sux, was waiting for me by the breakfast table after I got dressed and did my makeup. It consisted of green eye shadow and black lipstick. Oh and writing I love Jacksepticye in sharpie on my hand. People say that I'm creepy but I just say that I'm fabulous. I patted Septiplier Sux on the head before grabbing a sandwich and rushing out the door to my nearest Starbucks. We were going to be moving into dorms soon but as of now the RA informed us that our building was under renovation so I stayed with my mom.

"BYE MOM!!" I yelled as loud as humanly possible because I couldn't wait to grab my Starbucks cup and yell YASSSSSS while frolicking in my ugs.


"Bye FUCKING LEPRACHAUN." She yelled in a heavy Irish accent. It was so annoying. The only accent I tolerated was Jack's. It had a special place in my heart.

Since it was only 7:30 and I was alread out of the house, I decided to take my time walking to Starbucks.

"Hey." Someone said, in an Irish accent that could've only belonged to Jack. I know because I spent more time listening to Jack's voice than I did to my parents' voices. I turned around grinning. "I see you're wearing my merchandise so I thought I'd come up and say hi." He said, smiling sweetly. That smile could eat my boo— cough cough. Sorry fangirl thought.

"Hi, I'm Jamilla." I said, smiling timidly. I couldn't let him know that I was his biggest fan and wanted to kill every girl that got within a five mile radius of him. He shook my hand, and I felt blush rising to my cheeks. His hands were surprisingly soft. Those hands could caress my bo— cough cough. Sorry fangirl thoughts. But in reality I couldn't believe it was my husband!!

"Husband? I think this relationship is moving a bit fast for me." Jack joked.

"...did I just think out loud?" I groaned, face palming. "Yeah, it's a bad habit of mine."

"Well if you wanna marry me, I'd suggest we should get to know eachother over coffee."

"Sure." I grinned

Chapter 1 end

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