Chapter 1 - Tae Tae?

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''So this is it then'' I looked at him teary eyed. ''Promise you won't forget me'' I stuttered out.


I know you probably never want to see me again and I understand that completely. But just know that I never meant to hurt you and my feelings will never change for you. She was just a stupid mistake and I will always regret it. I can't explain why I did it, I was just so confused and hurt when you suddenly told me that you were going to Korea for a year. I can't be without you that long baby, and now I have probably lost you forever. I promise no matter how much time it takes I will make everything up to you. I love you, I love you so much. I'm sorry. Love Jason. <3 x

''LIAR!'' the dark haired 19-year-old whispered as she broke down in tears crying on the floor of her brand new living room in her new home. Beth had only just moved to Korea to pursue her internship working for a Korean company that she still didn't really know much about. All she knew was that it was a job assisting management and details would be given after she had settled for a few days.

She eventually got off the floor and lazily made her way to the mirror in the bathroom to look at her make- up less face and bloodshot eyes. She only muttered curse words at herself and placed her hands on the sink whilst still looking at herself. Her tanned skin seemed to have more of a pale effect and her deep brown orbs seemed empty and dark. The smile that she always had on her face was non-existent. She had never felt her heart as broken and it felt now at this moment.

''Get over yourself Bethany Louise Jackson'' she whispered trying to motivate herself.

She then decided to go for a walk to clear her head and visited the only place she really knew in Seoul so far; a nearby park close to her apartment. With her she took a bag with a couple of bottles of soju. She swung herself on the swings in the dim lit and derelict park embracing the only sound of the chilling winter breeze. That was until she heard a voice.


''gwaenchanhayo?'' I heard a voice say in a concerning tone as I looked up. My eyes met with a concerned face and he bent down to be eye level with me? It was dark so I couldn't really make out his facial features.

''Yah, gwaenchana?'' the boy asked again. It now got extremely awkward as I couldn't speak or understand Korean and I had no idea what to say. I ended up stuttering and trying to muster up an actual sentence but I failed miserably.

''Do you speak English?''

I looked back up to meet his eyes again and I just nodded, in disbelief that he could speak English. His accent coming through thick.

He then sat on the swing next to me and took down the hood of his hoodie to fully reveal his face and hair. He had medium brown hair which glistened even in the dark of the night and caring eyes. He also had a cute but weird triangle smile. I couldn't comprehend how beautiful this guy was. It was like unnaturally beautiful. How was it even possible to be that good looking?

''So what's your name?'' he finally spoke up again nonchalantly.

''Bethany but people tend to call me Beth'' I replied politely trying to avoid his soft gaze which made me feel a little warm inside I admit. ''What's your name?''.

''Well nice to meet you Beth, I'm Kim Taehyung but you can just call me Taehyung or Tae okay?'' he smiled again cutely. This boy surely must have a huge following of girls, I mean he has so much charisma and charm to him clearly. He'd be a perfect celebrity.

''So what's in the bag?'' he asked curiously.

Oh crap I forgot about that.

I then revealed the bottles of soju and opened the cap for two of the bottle and offered one to Taehyung. He gladly accepted it and we pretty much talked about mindless shit for hours.

So we had been at the park together for what seemed like a few minutes but that quickly turned into four hours of none stop drinking. And when we ran out Taehyung brought more which led to us both being extremely drunk, but me even worse. It was nice to be with a friendly face.

Before I knew it I had abruptly fallen asleep on the slide as Taehyung was ranting about how some boy called Jimin was being really off and rude to him lately. His voice soothingly put me into a deep sleep before I could even attempt to try and stop myself and obviously the soju definitely did not help the situation.

I awoke to a familiar smell that I knew all too well. A smell that could make all the pain and misery go away for a few seconds and just bring me complete joy. BACON!!! I excitedly got out of the bed and stopped for a second.

Wait...I live alone, so why can I smell bacon. What the hell!?? Whose bedroom is this. I silently cursed myself out remembering what happened last night.


I got out of that train of thought and remembered bacon. Well surely a serial killer wouldn't be cooking bacon right? Ehhh who cares I'm hungry, I shrugged talking to myself in my head.

I walked cautiously down the hallway towards the smell and heard a voice quietly singing to themselves. It was a boy with dark hair who was quite tall with broad shoulders. Wearing grey joggers and a matching t- shirt.

He was just singing along to a Tori Kelly song that was quietly playing on his phone. I was admiring his voice and the smell of bacon before I heard a voice behind me.

''noo-goo-ni?'' (who are you (informal))

I spun around and came face to face with a slightly annoyed expression who had a small bowl of cereal in his hands. Even though I couldn't speak Korean I could tell what he was asking due to his tone of voice and facial expression.

''I just woke up here erm, I don't really even know where I am. Last thing I knew was I was in a park drinking soju with someone called tae tae'' I said trying to fully explain myself with nerves taking over me.

Looking at this boy, his eyes looked dark and soulless. He looked miserable. I instantly felt intimidated.

''Tae tae?'' he scoffed. I only nodded with my head looking at my hands whilst twiddling my fingers. His scowling gaze still upon me.

''Aiish'' he cursed and just walked around me towards the boy who was in the kitchen.

''Hyung!'' the boy exclaimed towards the rude guy.

They were then both having a conversation in Korean and they both looked at me back and forth which made me uncomfortable.

What have I got myself into..



Updates will be regular :P

-KpopsDiva xxxxx

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