Chapter 3

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 Forden's POV

I watch as Cad Bane shoots Aris.

“NO!!!” I cry when I see her fall to the ground. In my fury, I ignite my lightsaber.

“Forden! No!” Master Aayla shouts. “I can handle him! Go back to the temple to get help!” Reluctantly, I start running away from Aris, towards the temple. I block a few gun shots as I sprint.

“Jedi scum!” Cad Bane calls after me. Quickly, I use the force to knock over a few crates, hopefully causing some sort of blockage. I hear more gunfire and Master Aayla’s battle grunts. I keep on sprinting; the image of Aris, bloody and unmoving is burned into my mind. I rush into the temple.

“HELP!!” I yell. “THERE’S AN ATTACK!!!” I keep on yelling until I see Master Kit Fisto and Master Shak Ti rushing over to me.

“What’s wrong!?” Master Ti asks.

“Follow me and I’ll explain!” I start running, and they follow. I explain to them how Master Vos and Master Kenobi had left to go on a mission, and Aris and I were out on a walk and then Master Aayla had gotten attacked and then Aris got shot down and Master Secura had told me to get help. When we get to the site of action, there is a pool of blood where Aris was. There was no sign of Aayla or Aris.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” I mutter.

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