Chapter 7

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Forden's POV

I step off the ship and walk onto the red sand of Tatooine. The blazing sun beats down on my neck and face. I squint and look around at the town before me. My goal is too find Jabba the Hutt, and see if he knew of Bane's whereabouts. Janna's palace isn't too far from the village I am at. I walk over to a stand and rent a sandbike to ride to the palace. I mount it and speed across the vast sandy dunes, my brown cloak billowing behind me. After a few minutes of driving I see a massive sand palace before me. I ride up to it and stop at the huge gate. I little hole opens up and a robotic eye camera thing pops out and stares at me. It beeps.

"Uh, I'm here to talk to Jabba the Hutt, for the Jedi Council." I say. The eye adjusts it's focus and then disappears back into the hole. 

"Great." I mutter. This whole mission was a fail. I was never going to find Aris or even make it into this place. And even if I did make it in, I highly doubt I was going to make it out. Alive at least. 

Suddenly the gate moans and slowly starts to rise. Or maybe I was going to do this. Master Yoda had faith in me. I was going to get Aris back no matter what. 

I walk in and two guards stand near me with axes at the ready. I keep my lightsaber as concealed as possible under the folds of my cloak. I hope they wouldn't take it from me. They escort me down a series of long dark hallways until we walk into a room where there are lots of people and creatures everywhere. Music plays and right dab in the middle is the Hutt himself. One of the guards goes over to him and says something to him that I cannot hear. Jabba looks at me with larger yellow eyes. He says something aloud, but I do not understand, but the music stops and everyone turns to look at me. The other guard ushers me over in front of Jabba. I notice a panel below me and I smell blood. A trap door. I act as though I had not seen it and I look up and stare at the massive Hutt.

"My name is Forden, padawan to the Jedi Knight, Quinlan Vos." I say. Jabba laughs heartily at me. He says something and the droid next to him translates for me.

"You came at the wrong time Jedi scum!" It says. I frown. Jabba laughs again.

"Your friends just left. But I don't think you will." The droid translates. I sense the guards move towards me and I ignite my lightsaber. I swing it in an arch around me to keep everyone from coming close. I point it at Jabba.

"What happened to them?" I demand. Jabba laughs some more and suddenly I feel the trap door below me open and I fall down, down, down until I hit the ground with a loud thud. I feel a warm draft and I see that there is a door open. I grab my lightsaber and race out of the pit. Maybe Aris had been here...just maybe....but before I can leave, I notice a pool of blood on the sandy ground. If that was from Aris, I needed to find her quick. 

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