You Are Not Alone - NCIS FanFic

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Burning rubber. Heat. These were the first things I smelt, and felt when I woke up. My head was spinning and I had a pulsing pain running through my leg. As I forced my eyes to flicker open, my vision was hazed by a thin layer of ash. I blinked a few times to get rid of the hot dust. What I saw shocked me. There were bodies strawn over the tarmac. Small patches of flame illuminated the faces of those around me. The black frame of the plane that I was supposed to be on was in pieces; a wing here, the tail over there. My mind immediately raced to Tony as I looked at all the faces lit up by the fire. The last thing I remember was him whispering 'aht lo leh-vahd' to me.

I knew I was not alone, but I felt that way. Ever since my father's shooting, I have felt lost and alone. My work with Mossad and NCIS has taught me how to do deal with an agent's death, as our work triggers high-risk operations. But when the agent is your father, the person that you followed the footsteps of, your work cannot help but be effected. Gibbs told me that I was not supposed to be going anywhere near Israel, but spiritually, I was being called to my home.

Now, I search for the man who, I am sure, tried to warn me that something like this might have happened.

McGee's POV

Come on, airport security, work for me goddamit! I needed to make sure that Ziva's plane took off to Israel safely. If there is nothing on the terrorist take-off page, she's on her way to her home...

The remote dropped out of my hand as I saw what was on the screen. No. No, this couldn't have happened. The screen showed security camera image that couldn't have actualy happened. I didn't even have to look at the flight number and destination to tell that that was Ziva's plane. It was blazing with orange flame and the frame of the plane was black and broken. I raced to my desk and tried to call Dinozzo, wanting to tell him that Ziva may not be alive.

Ziva's POV

Struggling to sit up, I try to look at the dark, ashy faces. Only some are iluminated by patches of orange light, so I can't decipher who is who. All I care about is that Tony is okay. Okay as in alive. I don't think I could live without his cheesy smile and witty sense of humour. I had always felt strong emotions towards him, but I have never told anyone before. Now, in what could be the end of his days, I needed to tell him that I loved him.

Light catches the corner of my eye; white flashing light, not the fire's glow. As I crawled towards it, I saw a familiar face accompnied by a familiar name. I reach out with my burned, bloddy hand to grab the phone, hoping that McGee wouldn't hang up before I got there.

"McGee?" My voice was croaky, husky and barely recognisable. I don't think he knew it was me.

McGee's POV

Come on Tony, pick up! Ziva could be dead and you can't be bothered to pick up your phone? Bracing myself for Tony's upbeat voicemail intro, my fingers got ready to dial the number again. But he picked up. Finally, I thought.


This was not Tony. His voice never sounded this husky, this smoky. Smoke, fire, Ziva! She was okay!

"Ziva? You're alive!"

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