Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"It's been a few days since Lunara told Inuyasha that he had to wait until the night of his human form to go find the dream caster right Sango?" Miroku said as he walked beside her with Shippo on his shoulder. Sango carried Kirara cradled in her arms, "I believe so, tonight is the night isn't it?"Miroku looked at Sango with worries in his eyes unable to speak a word to her. "Miroku are you alright? You look upset.." Shippo asked sitting on Miroku's shoulder.

He looked at the little fox demon and sighed, "I'm worried about Inuyasha. Something in that book Lunara left behind worries me deeply about him and Kagome both." Sango looked at him with wide eyes, "Why what did it say? Is it bad?"Shippo jumped off of Miroku's shoulder to the ground in front of him making him stop. "Miroku tell us! What did it say!?" The young fox yelled at the monk with tears in the corner of his eyes.

Miroku looked at him and shook his head, "There's a chance Kagome can't be saved and an absolute chance Inuyasha could be put under the dream caster's spell as well.But what worries me most of all is that at any moment the dream caster can end both their lives." Miroku covered his face with his hands. Sango covered in her mouth, "No way. Miroku there has to be a way stop this demon. Maybe we can find something deeper in the book?"

Shippo nodded in agreement to Sango's question, "Yeah Miroku, there has to be something hidden in one of the pages right?" Miroku looked at them and thought softly tohimself. 'Maybe there was something I overlooked, maybe a way to remove the spell?' Sango looked at him, "Sango, we should go see Lunara before the moon tonight." He said as he headed towards the forest. Shippo looked at Sango as she looked at the monk. "Well Shippo, let's go."

They ran after Miroku to catch up.Meanwhile Inuyasha was doing the same thing he did for the last few days. "Kagome, I hope you can hear me." He said as he laid next to Kagome. He looked over at her hoping to hear her voice with no luck in it happening. "Kagome, I miss your voice so much, the sound of how you say my name. The way you say sit. Man I miss you telling me to sit.." He inhaled her scent, "I love your scent, your aroma is sweet like vanilla and flowers. It's just so breath taking."

He sat up as he looked at her, "I know you can't hear me Kagome, but I miss you so much. You felt pain for me and cried tears for me. I miss you so much." As he looked at her he heard Kaede enter the hut. "Inuyasha, have ye been here all day?" She asked as she sat down to make her lunch. Inuyasha looked at her with sadness in his eyes. "I don't like leaving Kagome. You know that." He gritted his teeth together as he stared at Kagome, looking at her with all the worry in the world."Inuyasha if you stare at her any harder you'll burn a hole in her body. Please don't worry so much." Kaede said as she pushed the wood in the fire around with a metal rod.

Inuyasha stared at Kagome and then turned to look at Kaede, "What will happen if I can't save her. Then I'll lose the person I love." Kaede closed her eye as she pondered on a thought, 'Inuyasha says he loved Kagome but he still loves my sister Kikyo. I wonder who he will choose when it comes to having to pick one.' Inuyasha looked at the old woman, "Kaede are you dying? You haven't spoken in a few minutes. Is everything alright?"

Kaede opened her eye to look at him and shook her head, "Everything is alright." As he turned to look at Kagome he noticed something strange about here. "What is this?" He asked as he looked closer and noticed blood in the corner of her eye. 'Why is there blood there? It wasn't there a moment ago.'Worried he lifts her eye lid and gasps, "Kaede!" He yells,freaking the woman out a bit. She walks over to where Kagome is lying and looks, "What is it Inuyasha?" She looked where he's looking,seeing the blood shot eye. "Oh dear, here eye is bleeding."

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