Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Miroku looked at Inuyasha, "Inuyasha don't go doing anything rash, look." He pointed at Kagome's neck. Inuyasha looked at where he was pointing and couldn't believe his eyes, "What is that Miroku?" On Kagome's neck was a mark, three circles and a dot between all of them. "It's a spell, so Kaede was right. The question remains though, who put a spell on her that caused her to go comatose? What is the motive behind their reasoning to do such a thing? And what exactly does this symbol mean?" Sango walked into the circle they had going, "Their motive could be anything Miroku." Sango said as she sat down next to him.

Inuyasha looked at Sango, seeing the concern in her eyes he moved towards Kagome. He laid his head next to hers as he watched her breathing to make sure she was still alive. As he was watching he realized the mark on her neck looked familiar to him but he didn't know from where, 'Maybe Lunara and Keiko have seen this mark before..' He glanced at the moon, "Miroku, can you draw out this mark on a piece of paper for me?" Miroku nodded as Shippo handed him a piece of paper and a brush.

"It's the night of the full moon, so Keiko and Lunara might be hard to find tonight." Sango looked at Inuyasha like she was reading his mind, "That's who you were going to take this drawing to am I right? Isn't tonight the night Keiko takes her human form?"Inuyasha nodded as he grabbed the piece of paper from Miroku. Miroku looked at him, "I shall watch over her Inuyasha, you go do what you need to do before it's too late for her."

Inuyasha walked out of the hut and headed towards the neko and half-demon's home, "I might as well start there since I don't know where else they would be." As he ran towards their home he caught Lunara's scent with Sesshomaru's mixed in with it but not Keiko's."Knowing Keiko she's probably behind a barrier." He followed Lunara's scent to a field nearby where he found her sitting near a big tree reading a book.

"Lunara!" Inuyasha screamed, she looked over with irritation at him even communicating with her when he knew she hated him. She sniffed the air hoping she'd catch Kagome's scent to but she didn't "What do you want dog? I'm busy with my own stuff you know!"He looked at her, "I have a problem, something is wrong with Kagome." She looked at him with frustration, balled her fist and started her fire claw, "What happened?"

He walked over to her pulling out a piece of paper, "Have you ever seen this mark?" She studied it for a few moments before nodding and punching him in the face, leaving a huge burn mark on his face. He fell to the ground and rubbed his face, "Hey! What was that for!" Lunara scratched her ears as she moved away from him, "Yes I've seen it." He stared at her. "Well can you tell me what it is?" She looked at him, "Come with me, I'll show you." Lunara walked towards the river as she removed a demonic barrier. "Whoa,demonic barrier?" She looked at him in frustration and was tempted to hit him again. He walked through before it closed, "I know you'll be angry if I don't speed it up but I had no idea you could produce an enormous barrier."

Lunara walked towards a shed that was covered in in moss. She rushed him inside, "Hurry." Inuyasha looked at her as he ran inside, Lunara closed the door behind them. "Hey Inuyasha, what's up?"Keiko said as she hung upside down from a rafter, Inuyasha looked at her. 'I've never seen her in her human phase, rather than blonde-burgundy hair it was completely chocolate brown and her eyes were blue.' She looked at him with her head cocked to the side, "What are you looking at Inuyasha?" She dangled there content with he rformation. "I'd just never seen you as a human." She looked at him and then to Lunara. "I think she looks great as a human, but only if you're into a brunette with blue eyes." Lunara said as she walked towards the book shelf, "On her human nights we hide inside this shed with a protective barrier, it's the only way to keep Keiko safe from everyone including stupid men like yourself and Koga." She pulled a book off the shelf and as she skimmed through it she snapped her fingers. "Hey I take offense to that stupid men comment!" Inuyasha said in frustration and waving his fist.

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