Mayu X Overprotective Reader

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A.N: As usual leave a comment telling me what you think and leave any requests for the x reader stories. Also this will be a really dark chapter so, viewer discretion has been advised.
Mayu had known you for years, you both were around the same age, and couldn't be closer friends. So when she was at your house watching TV with you she told you about her new stepfather. "Maybe I can come over and meet him." She nodded and said "Yeah that'd be great." Little did you both know the depravity in that sick freaks mind.

It was late at night when Mayu came crying to your doorstep, "(Y/N). Can I please come in" she sobbed between her words. Without hesitation you brought her in, and instantly she threw her head into your chest still crying. It took you almost an hour to console her "Mayu. What happened" staying strong she told you everything, from his abuse to her mother neglecting her. Something snapped inside you, she was your friend, someone you were closer than family with. And they had turned her from an innocent loving girl to a total victim. They were dead, and you knew it.

You had let Mayu stay the night, obviously. Now you had snuck out and were headed for her house, your fathers' Desert Eagle in your hoodies pocket. They needed to pay, and they would pay in blood. Every. Last. Drop. You and Mayu were around 14 by now and you were rather big for your age, at 6 feet and almost 180 lb you weren't some scrawny push over. Knocking on the door you didn't wait for a reply, kicking it off its hinges and knocking it into the foyer. "What the hell's going on" the step father ran out only to meet the butt of your pistol at almost 100 pounds of force behind it, needless to say he was out. Now her mother ran out of the kitchen and saw you standing over him, aiming right at his head "Scream and I kill you both" you growled, and much to your pleasure she nodded and kneeled down "Put him in the kitchen. And don't try to call for help."

"Please (Y/N) why in gods name are you doing this to us. What have we done to you" you had been torturing the both in every way you could think of for almost three hours now. Burning, waterboarding, beatings and the like. "He" you started, punctuating the word with a punch to the man's head "Violated my best friend, your fucking daughter" you turned on her and grabbed her throat, squeezing hard "And you" a slap for this bitch "Let it goddamn happen. Not only that but you blamed her for his sins" you yelled, shoving her tied up form onto the floor and pulling out the Desert Eagle. "You first" pulling back the hammer you shot first his knees. Eliciting an excruciating scream from him, then his groin. He wouldn't need it in hell, and finished it off with his head. Stepping to her now you aimed straight for her head "You will see him again. In hell, and I will gladly join you later, to ensure your torture isn't over" and with that you pulled the trigger.

"Mayu I'm home" you called after returning, you'd done what you could to cover your tracks, cleaned your clothes wiped your prints from the gun and put it back. Now all you needed was an alibi. "I didn't know you were gone" she was sitting on the couch watching TV. Sitting you joined her "Yeah I needed to get some groceries for my parents" and hugged her "you know I love you right Mayu" and it was true, you had loved her for years now, and she did too when you both turned 14. She nodded and hugged you "Yes I know. Thank you for taking me in" you smiled and didn't say anything, instead kissing her.

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