Kill Me Now

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A/N: As a bit of a forewarning, this is a book that I would LIKE to actually write and everything because, to be blunt, I think the plot it so original and amazing, but really, I'm using it for my freewrite time in my Creative Writing class just so I can get a grade. Chapters will be slow to come and they will not be long, sorry. If any writing is in bold in the story, it is from a chat room and the grammar mistakes in those bold words is on purpose for the most part, otherwise, feel free to let me know of anything. :)

Kill Me Now

Cameron Douglas frowned at the computer screen. The five words from James Tanner stuck out as if in bold, red lettering. sorry, i can't make it

It's not fair! She had had a crush on the boy since her sophomore year and when she tried to trick him into a date, he decided that he had plans! Totally ruined everything. After popping her fingers, she moved them across her laptop's keyboard and typed the painful response of, That's okay, want to find me a date? Possibly a boy? :P

The words in the chat bar appeared quickly. that should be easy :D

Cameron moved to reply, but the next sentence stalled her. oh, and i might be able to come

She threw her hands up in the air. This is all Madison Crowe's fault, she decided. If it were not for her, Charlie Wilson never would have asked her out and Cameron would have never tried tricking James into the group date as her 'friendly date'.

That'd be great. Cameron replied finally, frustrated with the whole situation. Having a crush on one of your best friends was not easy. She glared at the chat bar that was between her and James. The conversation had only lasted about five minutes so far and she was anxious to end it. She was about to close the laptop when James' response popped up.

so, i'll see you on friday?

Are you saying you're coming? She typed slowly.


Her chest tightened a she thought wildly of what to wear. Alright, see you on Friday then. She closed the computer, not wanting to stay on any longer. Her heart was beating fast enough already.If he's bringing a date, she thought, hopping off her bed to look at her reflection in the mirror. I'm going to have to look my best to steal him from her. Cameron ran her small hands through her brown hair as she turned around and saw the alarm clock.

The bright red numbers caught her attention suddenly as if it were a lighthouse to a lost ship instead of a small box that told time. Except this lighthouse shone 10:21pm and if she wanted to wake up on time for the last day of school, she was going to have to get to bed. And soon.

So, quickly she started her nightly routine, everything more rushed than usual. She picked out her outfit for the next day and laid it out in her bathroom. Since she was already in there, she brushed her teeth and twisted her hair into a braid.

She was all ready to just crash onto her bed and fall quickly asleep, but her body- of its own free will, of course- chose to take her to the laptop. Her finger worked in their own accord to open it and take her to the chat bar that had been open with James just minutes ago before.

can't wait :)

The smile crawled onto her face before she could stop it. Though her mind was telling her to get over it- it was a friendly thing to say- her heart could not help but feel like maybe, just maybe, she would have a chance.

James Tanner watched the ceiling as he lay on his back in his bed. He had indeed been planning on seeing a movie with friends on Friday, but as soon as Cameron had said the word 'date', his emotions changed into a hot, boiling mess. He did not know why he felt the way he did anymore. Neither did he know why his heart skipped a beat whenever she talked to him nor why it was hard to breathe or move whenever his nose caught the scent of her lemon-vanilla lotion. Well, actually, he did know; he liked her.

However, there was not a thing he could do about it. Cameron was off limits. She was his best friend, for goodness sakes! Plus, just last year, Cameron and his used-to-be best guy friend had basically been dating and he had endured painfully each time he would see them together. It had beennauseating.

It was just too confusing for the seventeen-year-old boy. He did not like to think about her or their relationship- or whatever it was- that much, but she always found a way under his skin. She was everywhere ever since they had met. The two of them had been in the same class together since kindergarten and probably the only downside to this was just how much trouble they had managed to cause for everyone. Oh, and the fact that everyone since the sixth grade had been pressuring them to date.

In middle school, Cameron was being asked out and talked about by nearly every member of the male student population, but there had been nothing to worry about. He had had a girlfriend and he always strongly set people straight when they had even mentioned some sort of romance between him and Cameron.

When high school that came along, Cameron was as social as ever and his girlfriend was now an ex. She had joined the swim team, but that was only the first of the 'High School Cameron Assault', as he liked to call it. Through out the year and the year after that, Cameron got him to join many other teams, clubs, and even some of her electives. He just could not help it, she was too persuasive for his own good. Then he realized it, in the middle of their sophomore year, just how much she influenced him, but he had to keep reminding himself that they were just friends.

She was like a disease; a never-ending fight that was futile. With a frustrated sigh, James sat up in his bed. Swinging his legs over the edge of it, he pulled the gray wheel chair towards him and lifted himself into it. He rolled out of the room he shared with his two brothers and into the small kitchen.

"Thought you'd be awake." His sister startled him. She sat in one of the chairs, her feet on the table in a comfortable manner.

"Hi Caty." He said slowly, watching her as he pulled a cup out and filled it with tap water. "What has my dear little, fourteen-year-old sister up so late?" He sipped on the water.

"You. I was staying up to talk to you." Her arms crossed over her chest. "About Cameron."

Even her name caused a reaction inside of him, but those butterflies in his stomach needed to leavealready. "What about her?" He swallowed the casual answer, a hard lump forming in his throat.

"Well, I was reading the messages you two were excha-"

"You were snooping?" James choked on his water. "You really have no right to ever look into mystuff-"

Caty rolled her eyes. "Oh, save it for later, okay? I just thought I'd give you a suggestion, since I know you and you're probably working yourself up trying to find her a date that won't impress her-"

James interrupted again. "This isn't your business."

"Too late." Caty shrugged with a small smirk. "Anyway, why don't you be her date?"

Of course she looked so proud of herself. It was not as if she knew how he had already thought of that. "Yeah," He spat. "Except you're forgetting something; she doesn't like me that way."

There was a loud, exaggerated sigh. "You boys are really hard to get through to. Ask her out on afriendly date and maybe by the end of it, her feelings will have changed."

"Are you not telling me something you know?"

"Oh, dear brother, you sure are suspicious. No, I don't know anything, but I think I'm right to assume that she likes you more than you think." And with a simple, "Good night.", she was out of the room.

James just stared at the spot where she had been standing. Frick. "Stupid, little, meddlesome brat she is." He muttered under his breath. These mutterings continued almost silently as he made his way back to his room, thinking over and over that little sisters were very meddlesome.

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