Wanting Revenge (Part 1)

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In a small jailhouse a little ways off from the village of Cratolka, five men were sitting there grumbling. As three of the men were just sitting there with bored looks, the leader had the look of death. The fourth man noticed this and looked over at their leader and asked, " Boss what's wrong?"

The leader looked over at him and gave him a deathly glare. The fourth man, who's name was John, looked down.

"You want to know what's wrong!!!" John nodded and by now the rest of the men were looking at their leader. " I should be rolling in money as that gryphon's head should be placed up on my wall! Instead I'm stuck in here with you baboons!" The leader hissed at the men. His face was boiling red.

" That gryphon should DIE!" He yelled as he sat back on the wall. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes, but as soon as he did he reopened them and his lips curled into a wicked grin.

Some Days later...

Ridgway woke up groggily. He hadn't been getting much sleep for some reason and sighed. " Please let this day fly by." He said as he stretched out his wings and took off into the sky.

Like every morning, he went down to Cratolka and got his meats, and other things they'd give him and flew back to his cave to eat. After eating, his friend Goulder came by.

" Hey Ridgway," He said as he flew inside his cave. Ridgway looked up at Goulder and nodded.

" Hello Goulder." Goulder stared at his friend for a few moments. Ridgway stared back. Both of them were in silence until Goulder said, " You look tired. Have you been sleeping well?"

Ridgway sighed and shook his head, " Yeah but I'm fine."

Goulder smiled. " Good because we need your help today. The farmers need us to help plow the field because they're short on horses and the builders need some help lifting stuff like wood and glass so they can build a house."

Ridgway nodded and stood up. " Let's go then."

Please let this day pass by fast, Ridgway prayed inside his head. The day went by slow and hard. Ridgway and his friends all helped the farmers first. Helping them plow the fields and a few other things that they needed done. Then they went to the builders next.

" So what are you guys needing?" Ellen asked. The builders listed off the things they needed, and Ellen gave each gryphon a job. Ridgway got the wood job, by having to go out to the forest and go to the woodcutters and gather some logs that the builders could use.

After going back and forth so many times, Ridgway was extremely tired. He could barely keep his eyes open and keep his head from nodding. Ellen noticed this and sat down next to him.

" Ridgway did you get any sleep Last night?" She asked. Ridgway shook his head.

" I just haven't been sleeping well the past few days."
Ellen stared at Ridgwat for a few seconds, " Why not go to the river and take a small nap. It's very peaceful there and may be helpful. Plus you worked hard today so you can go." She said softly and went back to work.

Ridgway smiled. " Thanks Ellen." And then Ridgway flew off and to the river.

When he got there, he could see how peaceful it was. The grass around the river was nice and cool. The breeze was light and not cold but perfect to have a nap at. No one could interrupt him as he took a nap. Ridgway smiled and laid down. A few hours later in the forest, five men were watching the sleeping gryphon, each one having a wicked smile on their faces.

Ridgway: Rego_Stories' GryphonWhere stories live. Discover now