The Insane Couple

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= ̄ω ̄= I can't believe this story has 1.47 k views aww thanks everyone.*^O^*
     🌀  Naruko's P.O.V 🌀
I watched as Itachi stepped through the bushes and I smiled a sadistic smile to sasuke getting one in return. "Well...well the one and only Itachi Uchiha still gonna refuse the information we want" I ask creepily. He visibly gulped but shook his head indicating he wasn't. "Well to bad because that means certain death for you " Sasuke cut in. I felt the disturbing aura around the rest of my companions. Itachi smirks "You know what I come for" He says. Tania's eyes widened " the nine tails ...he wants naruko " she said slightly trembling. I snorted " so the big bad uchiha wants little ol me " I taunted him. Sasuke chuckled as he activated his sharigan. I turned to the others " hide in those bushes please" I asked as if nothing was happening. Naruto argued will the me while kakashi and the others stepped into the bushes. " you can't he's a ss rank criminal and...." He trailed of as I yelled at him " Look I'm sick of you... You think you can worry about me, you can't you left me behind to marry a princess, while I was being abused so don't say you care OK? And one more thing you got a grudge against sasuke well stop he's just like me , both our brothers left us alone to fend for ourselves so go to the bushes and let the insane  couple take care of it. " I finish my rant and walk off watching as naruto slunk into the bushes.
        🐍  Sasuke's P.O.V 🐍
I noticed Naruko join me her kyuubi chakra blazing and her sharigan spinning. My eyes widened to see naruko with all three tomoes. I shrug even though she only got it about a month ago it was no surprise the baka already mastered it. Popping out of my trance I watched as naruko created a rasengan (sp?) ,grinning I charged a chidori (sp?) in my hand. "Naru ? Are we doing the rasedori?" I ask her. (The rasedori is both of them thrusting both Justus together so I combined the name) Naruko shakes her head as her rasengan gets bigger and turns redish black. " tailed beast bomb that's her plan" I whisper as I deactivate my Chidori. Itachi rolls his eyes " Really just a rasengan that won't hurt me " he said cockly. ( sorry guys I'm making him smart butt) Naruko grinned "Triple Tailed Beast Bomb;!!!" She yelled as three black red balls went crashing down on Itachi. His body went spinning through the air hitting a tree. He stood doing the signs for a fireball. I shrugged as I created my secret weapon............. A genjutsu but this one makes you see your worst fears. Most aren't strong enough to effect people but mine bite you in the but and leave a wound. Naruko chuckled .... Right I forgot we can hear each others thoughts. My smile got bigger as  Itachi cries rung out. Naruko sighed as she snapped her fingers letting Itachi out of his genjutsu. I sighed defeated " aww why Naru" I ask. She shakes her head as itachi scurries off  "Because I don't need you killing any more people I'm already responsible for half of your kills" complained to me. I deactivated my sgarigan as the others came from the bushes. Ino and Sakura looked amazed at our fight "That was amazing!!!" They both said at the same time. Naruko looked uneasy as Tania glared at her but when Naruto did the same she recolied tears springing to her eyes. I moved next to her and asked " What's wrong ?" She looked heartbroken as she explained " I got mad at Nii-san and said that things I didn't mean to and now he hates me!" Her sobs increased as naruto looked towards her "Why did you make her cry " he yelled at me storming as he grasped my neck. "He didn't !! Papa you did with your glares" a little voice rung out. Naruto turned to see his daughter protectivly standing in front of Naruko and Sasuke. Naruto nodded let go of me and shrunk back. Naruko shrugged "Like I said we're the Insane Couple" she cheered out with a demon mixed voice. I smiled maybe this mission won't be bad.
Kay guys here it is until next time.

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