A Guide On Creating A Warrior Cat Fanfiction

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A Guide On Creating A Warrior Cat Fanfiction

So now a-days, as I like to read Warriors FanFictions once in a while, I often see a lack of things like creativity, writing-style, personality development and the understanding of the Warrior Cat world in these books. It frustrates me that a lot of people come up with the same plots, names and looks for their characters. It frustrates me that people write like they don't care. So I have decided to create my own guide to help all Warriors Fans to create their own fanfiction if they like doing those kinds of things! 

Now off with the introduction, all of you! I recommend that only Warriors Fans read this as well because it's pretty obvious that people who do not read the books will not understand this guide. Please use this guide wisely as well! This is the re-written and revised version of it!


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