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chapter 1


"honey, wake up its time to get up for school" thats my aunt Alicia. Alicia is the kind if aunt that is always layed back and never is uptight. i can always go to to her for edvice shes like a sister/best friend.

"ugh, why do i have to go to school cant i just stay home and sleep" i asked while my head is still in my pillow.

" nope. Now get up or else your going to be late." and with that she walked out of my bedroom. your probably woundering where is my mom or dad. well, you see my parents dont know how to keep a house or keep payments payed. so my aunt got tired of moving all the time and going to different schools, so she decided to take me in until my parents are stabled enough to have me back. i am also guessing you are woundering who i am. Well my name is Avery Heart i have dark brown hair and hazle eyes, olive colord skin. I am 19 years old and i know you are woundering 'your 19 and still going to school' yeah well me i got hold back in second grade so thats why im still in this stupid school. well thats me im avery hearts. 

i get out of bed and whent to go take a shower. after i took a shower i got out and started to get ready for the day. im wearing a white shirt that says keep calum and carry on, skinny jeans that have white bleach stains on them, and white converse on. Once i get ready for school i head down staris. once i reach the bottom of the stair i could smell eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen. i walk into the kitchen and see my aunt by the stove making breakfeast. 

" oooo, something smells good" i yell into the kitchen. my aunt jumps and drops the pan of eggs on the ground. 

" geez, Avery you scared me" she said trying to pick up the messsed up eggs on the floor.

" oopsh, sorry aunt alicia" 

" its fine, but know you have no breakfeast." 

" thats ok aunt alicia i can go get starbucks with my friend Alexis, is that ok?" i asked hoping she would let me go

" yeah, thats fine. Do you have money?" 

"yup, bye"


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