The Bump In The Head

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chapter 2


i started to walk down towords my friend Alexis' house, once i get to her house i started to bang on her front door and yell" ALEXIS HURRY YOUR BUTT UP" after i said that her front door opened to revile alexis there standing

" geez, avery why do always have to yell"

" i dont know. come on are you ready" i asked getting bored

" yes take a chill pill, geez" 

" cool, lets go" we started to head off towords starbucks. everything was quiet until alexis decides  to speak up

" so are you ready for the compation today?" she asked me while looking into my eyes. 

"well im kind of scared  that i will make fun of my self if i do it. i mean me go up there and sing infront of the whole intire school, plus the special guess thats suppose to be there i would probably pass out." i said with a bit worrie in my voice. i mean i am scared i mean who wouldnt be right.

 " avery, why are you scared. you have an amazing voice. why dont you see that?"

"because i know thats the truth. i cant sing." i told her with my head heald high, because i knew that i didn't have a nice voice. 

" Avery why do you keep on doing that. You have amazing voice. if you say that you dont have a vocie then i will slap you across the face." alexis said. Geez that would hurt, like bad.

"ok, whatever you say." 


we finally reached starbucks. i walk up to the door alexis was behind me so i decided to open the door. once i reached the door i was about to open the door when the door  swinged open and hit me right in the face. I was waiting for and empactn of my body hitting the floor or my leg scraping against the ground, but it never came. i opened my eyes to see why i havent fallen yet, once i nopened my eyes i see and handsome young genleman there with me in his arms. He saved my life.

Love At A Compation( HARRY STYLES FAN-FICTION)Where stories live. Discover now