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The lads and i where about to head off to get something to eat before we head off a school compation that the managment set up for us. I din't really know anything about the compation, excepted that we have to pick who the winner is and that we have to help them with their voice if they are having some problems. 


Finally we reached starbucks. i asked everyone what they wanted so not everybody had to go in. so once i got everyones arders i whent in and ordered. i walked up to the conter, there was a young girl there she has brown eyes and a lot of make-up on. 

"hi, what can i get for ya. my name is Ashley, i'll be taking your orders." i smiled and the girl named Ashley. 

"Hi, umm i would like five coffees please?" i told the Ashley my order. 

" Alright that will be $23.12" i paid for the coffees and waited for the drinks to be done.

i was sitting there for a while. After a couple more minutes my name was called for the drinks.

"Harry Styles, Your drinks are ready" i get up and walked over to the counter and got the coffees. once i got the coffees i started too walk towards the door.the door oprned and came in louis i thought louis was going to help me with the drinks but insread he grabed them all and walked out and shut the car door and locked it and drove off. ugh, why louis why louis why??? 

I decided to start walking to the school, since it wasn't to far away. I pushed opened the door. when i did open the door i hit someone with it, 'great just my luck' 

I looked at who i hit and it was a girl.she was just about to fall before i caught her in my arms.

When i held her in my arms i felt like lighting shoot up my arms. I looked down at the girl she had her eye close, but after a while she finally opened her eyes. She looked at me in the eyes and when we where looking into eachothers eyes it felt like it was just us in the intire world.  After a while i relized i still had her in my arms, which might be a little akward for her. So i let her go. 

"I am so sorry for hitting you with the door i really should be watch where im going."

"Oh no im sorry i should be watching where im going, by the way im Avery" she said with a smile on her face.'man she as a nice smile at least i think she does'

"Hi, im Harry styles and agian i am so sorry for hitting you with the door" i smiled at her

"Hey, it wasnt your fault." 

"whatever you say,love"

"AVERY HAVE YOU GOTTEN ANY COFFEE YET I REALLY NEED IT LIKE NOW!!!!!!"  i look behind Avery to see theres another girl 'must be her friend' Avery turned around and said" Sorry Alexis but no i havent gotten the coffees yet, because i just got hit by the door so sorry if i cant get you your coffee becuase i got hit by a door."

"Really that happened to you since when?" The girl i think named Alexis said

" umm like about 5 minuets ago. where you even paying attention?" avery asked 

"ummm, no i was too busy trying to win One Direction concert tickets" alexxis said 'wait did she just say one direction' where they fans or not, because Avery dosent seem like a fan.

"why are you trying to win one direction concert tickets for?" i asked wondering why they where talking about my band right infront of me

"oh, because miss Alexis over here obssed with the blonde irish on called Niall and she just wants to marrie him, so yeah thats why" Avery said with a smirk on her face while alexis had her mouth wide open.

"AVERY YOU JUST TOLD 1/5 OF ONE DIRECTION THAT I LIKE ONE OF HIS BEST MATES!!!!!" alexis yelled at avery. Averys smiled whent away and she slowly turned her head torwards me with her mouth wide open.

" Wait your part of one direction?" Avery asked me with a little bit of surprised in her voice

"yup, the one and only HARRY STYLES FROM ONE DIRECTION"

Love At A Compation( HARRY STYLES FAN-FICTION)Where stories live. Discover now