Died - part 8

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2:34 a.m ...

All member was sleeping...


JK : hyung..hyung... get up 

jin : Hm..wae..waeyo? *sleepy voice*

jk : let's go over there * point the  finger at the balcony * 

JIN felt weird with jungkook becoz why he wanted to go to the balcony ? then, jin said

jin : why u want to go there ? its late now ! you should go sleep !!

jk : NO !! I saw V hyung !! he called me to go there .. lets go now .. *hold jin hand * 

Jin looking towards the balcony,but no one there

At the balcony..

Jk : hyung..air at night was very refreshing right? 

but jin not give any response because he was still thinking about what jungkook said earlier

In his heart he said, '' where is V ? no one is here !! but why jungkook..'' 

jk : Hyung.. *slow voice * HYUNG !! *shout* 

Jin : ha..hah?what?! *shock* 

jk: I said , air at this night is refreshing right? but if...

 Suddenly,jungkook body is trembling ...JIN start panic and shock + scared. Then,he run into his room and close the balcony door and left jungkook outside the door .. Then,he saw jungkook is not trembling yet and jin began approaching jungkook who is faint.

jin : Ju..jung..jungkook.. *touch jk shoulder * 

jk : --------------------------------------------------

jin : Hey, are u okay? 

Suddenly,jungkook  woke up from fainting and smile towards jin ..Jin weird and worried why jungkook smile at him? then, jungkook said 

jk : turn around ..its someone behind you * smirk smile*

jin : w..wha..what? *panic + scared * 

JIN turn around and...


someone was hit his head. In weak condition,he try to see who is hit him and he saw ...

jin : tae..taehyung..?

then,jin died 

taehyung smile and leave jin there...while,jungkook is follow taehyung get out from that room ..


#So? what will happen next? why V kill jin? 

#I hope u like this episod ^^

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