Never gonna be alone.

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🌜Okay readers, quick question. Do you think I update to fast and should I slow down? I often update twice in a day, and sometimes three times. I that to much for you guys?🌛

••••••••••••••••••••SKYLER'S POV••••••••••••••••••••

"Why did you save me? You came here with them, to kill us, so why turn on them?" I ask as I turn to face the stranger? He sighs as he puts his gun, which now that I have the time to actually look at is a double barrel sawed off shotgun, back into the holster strapped across his back.

"Yes I did come here with them, but not to kill you. My name is Drake, and I just happen to be a hunter." The moment the final word, the only important one, left his lips, both Kin and Severin were on him in an instant with Rayven taking up a position at his back incase he tried to escape that way. When they had finished securing him, by each taking an arm and keeping it pulled away from his body so he could not reach the numerous weapons strapped to his body and hidden among the layers of his apparel.

"If I had wanted any of you dead I would have done it as I waited in that tree there and you all fought for your lives. It would have been so simple to end each and every one of you. So now is the time to ask yourselves as to why I didn't take the given opportunity and did in fact save your hide. If you think long enough the answer might just come to you." Drake said in a monotone, almost bored tone while looking at each of us in turn.

He held everyone one of our gazes without dripping his eyes or showing any sign of fear or disgust. No hunter I have ever seen was able to hide their disgust of all things supernatural when presented with their presence. "If you have no distaste for our world then why become a hunter?" I inquire. When the words left my mouth everyone turned to look at me in wonder with questions clearly written on their faces. "Careful little one, you may not always like the answer you are given." Kin spoke through our link.

"Your right, I have nothing against the supernaturals, I was raised by wolves, a very living couple who raised me from the time I was five until I was sixteen when they died. I needed something to do with my life after that, and found myself with a couple of real nice hunters. They trained me for years until they thought I was capable of handling myself. Now these hunters, they were different from your run of the mill hunters. They didn't kill everything they came across with even a hint of being a super, no they killed only those that took lives, both those of humans and fellow supers. Their mission was to protect both worlds from the evil that was starting to run rapid throughout it. " taking a deep breath and shifting his weight the best he could within the hold of the vampires before continuing.

"Because of they way they worked they had many friends in the super world, of every race, including some witches, who told them of a prophecy, which is why I planted myself into the army that was heading here, to destroy you, and I couldn't let them do that. I stayed back and watched, observing what you were all capable of. But the moment I saw the vampire coming up about to slide his blade into your spine I knew I couldn't just sit back anymore. I couldn't allow him to kill you, nor could I allow them to kill any of you." At the end of his explanation, I fully faced him and truly looked deep into him.

"Let him go, he doesn't mean us any harm. What he says is all truth."at my firmly spoke words both vampires let go I him, and stepped back to my side, with Rayven moving slightly slower. "It was a great thing that you did for me, and for that you have my eternal gratitude.," turning to each member in turn,"this is Spyke, he's my brother and the other half of the prophecy, Zeke my mate, Koa our resident panther, Thorne our warlock, Severin a pure blood vampire, and his brother Kin, a hybrid and finally Rayven, Severin's son."

Rayven, at hearing his name steps in front of Drake and smiles brightly. "Yep I tho k I'm going to like having you around," turning to me,"we are going to keep him right? After all I mean we did keep the flea bitten kitty cat and the creepy as fuck warlock, what's one more to the group huh?" Not wanting to take this decision away from the group, after all I'm a leader not a dictator, I turn and ask,"what do you all think? He has told only the truth, and he did save my life. My say is yes, but if he and the others, like all if you have, swear their allegiance to us. We need everyone on our side as we possible. But this isn't only my decision. We make it together."

Shrugging his solders Spyke is the first to speak,"I say why not, if you say he's okay then I'm with you." Next to speak was Zeke with a very simple and to the point "yes". "What could possibly go wrong with this idea?" Severin asks." Okay fine I you think it's for the best pup." "We all alrighty know Rayven's vote, so what of you Kin?" I inquire. Sighing loudly he turns to face Drake once more before speaking,"I say yes but only on the knowledge that at the slightest indication that your intentions aren't as pure as you claim, I will kill you without a seconds hesitation." "Alright well I guess that's that, welcome to the rebellion."

Gathering ourselves up to head back to whatever is left of our cabin I suddenly remember the aura trail that disappeared down the road way." We need to get whatever we can salvage before heading on to a new safe house, there will be more soon, and we will it be able to win if we have to face them." I'm quick to say. "How do you k ow this?" Zeke asks. "Because I have seen what happens. If we stay we will be slaughtered, but if we leave many of their forces will die, at our hands." Coming to a stop ahead of me Zeke turns before asking,"If we are no longer here, how can we take the lives of those sent after us?" As I open my mouth to respond I'm interrupted by Drake,"it's simple really. We can rig up some explosives, set to trip wires on timers. Once it's tripped it will go of after a determined amount of time. If its timed perfectly, and the explosives are placed well you can take out half of an army."

"Just how are we going to do that. None of us know anything about it."Spyke states. "You might not but I do." Came Drakes confident reply, and as the last word falls from his lips, I'm taken back into the vision of the burning wolves, and know that it's time to start making some very hard decisions, ones that will cost a lot of lives, but hopefully will save our own, and those that we are fighting for.

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