Higher places, breaking away

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🌜Hello readers. I think many of you are either stunned or confused after the last chapter. Don't worry it will all become clear before to long. I have tried to drop hints in every chapter as to the truth, as well as naming chapters with hints as well. Also I think this first book is coming to a close soon but the next one will pick up right after, and no I won't make you wait for it. I will start it right away after finishing this one. Oh one more thing before I go, has you all noticed the way the characters have changed throughout the chapters? Skyler went from bein the meek little pup to being a strong wolf stands tall? I hope you have seen the other changes.🌛

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SKYLER'S POV •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

We all met back up at the cabin to see that while we were gone setting things up Thorne has arranged our transportation to head to our next safe place. Sitting in front of the damaged cabin was a family camper, with enough room to fit all nine of us without to much crowding.

"Looks like we can count on the little witch after all."Severin states while reviving a hard glare from Thorne,"I'm a damn warlock not a witch! Are you really that brain dead you don't know the difference?" Severin shocks us all by starting to laugh, a deep booming belly bursting and full of true amusement laughter. When he was finally able to pull himself together he stands up straight before speaking,"trust me little warlock, I know more about your species then probably even yourself."

After a very deafening silence, one which everyone was afraid to speak least they upset the large dominating vampire or the intimidating warlock, I finally spoke. "All of our things are already out here it seems, so I believe we should leave before the wolves close in on us, they are getting very close to us." Still when no one moved I spun on my heel an grabbed my bag before stomping rather childishly into the camper. My display seems to have soured everyone into action as they all gathered their things before also stepping up into the camper. It was decided that Drake would be driving, since he had set up the next safe house, seeing as we knew for a fact no one knew he was part of our group. A hunter working with his enemy? Who would have thought it possible.

I look up and smile when I see Zeke walking towards me, but my smile morphs into a frown as he continues past me and into a open seat at the far side of the camper, obviously not wishing for me to follow him. Why doesn't he want to be with me? Did he discover I'm not what he wanted after our time together? I wasn't was I?

My heart wrenching thoughts are interrupted when my brother sits next to me and takes my small hand into his own. "Don't worry brother, he just had a lot going through his min right now. He will come around sometime." His words, meant to reassure me, only managed to make me angry. HE had a lot on his mind? Does he have any idea what is going through my mind? All of the pain I feel weighing me down? So many lives depend on me an my ability to get my powers under control. He had no idea what true pain was.

A soft voice spoke in my mind "are you alright little one? You look as though your world just ended." "I don't know honestly. Something doesn't feel right." At my last words Kin's head snapped up and he and Severin made their way over to me, walking as one. Seeing their approach Spyke went to stand up to give us privacy. "Sit down." Severin ordered, causing Spyke to drop back down into his seat next to me. Severin, speaking for the both of them be asks, "what do you mean something doesn't feel right?" Thinking about it I realize, I really don't know what feels off, but something does. Almost like there is something really big on the horizon. "I'm not sure really. It's almost like there is something coming, something big. I just can't seem to bring it forward though."

Severin and Kin look at each other, and having a silent conversation it seems, leaving my brother and I to wait rather impatiently for one of them to speak. "We have an idea but you may not like it," Kin finally spoke up. "We believe that if you and Spyke connect it will be a power boost and will make it possible to bring your vision forward. " Now this had my interest peeked, and stealing a glance at my brother I can see that he feels exactly the same. "Okay how do we do this?" I finally ask.

"Only if your truly sure you want to do this, you may see something would rather not know." Severin says before Kin continues with the information, "first off we are going to need a private and quiet place to do this so I think we should head to the back where the bedroom I located, then we will explain things better, and you can decide then if you truly want to do this." Without sparing a glance at anyone I stand up and make my way to the bedroom in the back as I here Kin say,"We are going to the back, please make sure we aren't disturbed unless its an emergency." Yea that really could be taken very wrong, I think as the four of us make our way inside, closing and locking the flimsy door behind us.

I can tell from their facial expressions that Severin and Kin are having their own internal conversation, and I know it's heated by the twitching of Kin's eye and the deep scowl on Severin's face. It honestly makes me wish I could read their minds, not just communicate. Maybe, just maybe I could, with that thought in mind I reach out and take Spyke's hand feeling the powers moving between us. With the thought in mind of finding my way into their conversation, I push my conscious outward a towards their minds, and am hit by a brick way.

Pushing harder and really closing in on my goal, I began to hear bits and pieces, or at least I think I do. (Severin's voice) "I don't think this is a smart move, what if he sees what he's not supposed to?" (Kin's voice) "He will find out sooner or later, the barriers in their minds won't last forever, we knew that one day they would break and today might just be that day."

What are they talking about? Almost as if sensing my presence in their mind they turn to me as one, and raise a brow. Wow that's really weird to see. Alright well if your ready to try this, then take a seat on the bed together, with as much skin contact as possible, since you are so new at not only your powers but at connecting as brothers you need as much contact as you can get.

Glancing at Spyke who just shrugged before pulling his shirt up and over his he'd before sitting down cross legged and reaching out to me. Following suit I pull my own shirt off before crawling up onto the bed, and being pulled into Spykes lap with his arms around me. With wearing only our shorts and me in his lap about 70% or more of our skin was touching. "Alright now close your eyes and concentrate on the bond you share as brothers, twins, and feel your hearts beat as one, feel your breath fill your lungs, and leave as one, feel your energy and power flowing between each other. Now Spyke feel the energy within you flow out and towards your brother, giving him what he needs."

As Kin softly spoke his instructions for us, I can feel all of my energy develop and come forward, then it was like it was twofold, and I know that's when my brother and I were fully connected. "Now Skyler I want you to push your conscious out and feel it connecting with your goal, tell yourself you want to see truth behind what doesn't feel right, and when you feel like its right there I front of you, grab it and let everything else go." There it's right there! Mentally reaching for it I let all other things go and let it come to me, and come it did, and not a bit of it was gentle as it over took me.

~I felt like I was being crushed, I couldn't handle the pain anymore as I felt the weight push down on me more. I just wanted to let go and allow the darkness that was slowly creeping up to overcome me. How could this happen? We did everything in our power to prevent this tragedy, so why couldn't we stop it? I just don't understand it.

Hearing dark laughter I look up into my tormentors face. "No matter what I would have won. You never really had a chance. I made sure of that from the beginning. Your only hope was the truth."~

It felt as though I was being torn in half as I was forcefully pulled from my vision as the camper rocked forward and we were all thrown to the floor.

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