troubles. | oikawa tooru & kiyoko shimizu

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heyo! i'm so sorry i haven't written for a while

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heyo! i'm so sorry i haven't written for a while. school is heavy. anyway, i hope nothing is wrong in this fic. please tell me if there are mistakes, i rushed a bit. this topic kinda relates bc i like a boy and girl but idk who to choose, so yeah!!

i hope you enjoy, hope this isnt too stupid asdfhjdfjh



Scribble scribble.

The pencil made its usual noises as it ran across the paper. You wanted to kill time and get your mind off of certain things, but you guessed that it wouldn't be working anytime soon. You were so worried and confused about being bisexual. Did you like boys? Did you like girls?! God dammit, it was so confusing and left you so disoriented! You couldn't even think straight (haha, very funny). You were even considering dating food instead.

They didn't help either. Why did you love them? Even you don't know things about yourself! Well, you were glad they supported you. They knew about your troubles with your sexuality. 

Kiyoko and Oikawa.

Oikawa wasn't even in your school, but you were glad that he was at least there for you in text form and visited you once in a while. He would tell you what his day was like and how he did volleyball with Iwaizumi, his best friend. He had dumb jokes, yeah, but you enjoyed them. He was also good-looking, wow. Oikawa flooded you with selfies all the time, and in all honesty, you really liked them. Eventually, you fell in love with the alien-loving boy. Then of course, you realized your feelings for her too. Kiyoko, god, she was like your only best, best friend at school. She was a mother, sister, and best friend to you all at once. She was perfect. Her beautiful appearance, her delightful personality, you name it. Kiyoko gave you love, a shoulder to cry on when Oikawa wasn't there. These two were the lights of your life, and if you lost one of them, your life would change completely. 

Kiyoko sat next to you, observing your scribbles and sketches. She didn't want to bother you, since you were in quite a focused state. 

"Hey 'Yoko. You can speak to me, you know," you broke the silence, dropping your pencil and giving her a grin.

"Oh sorry, [Last Name].. You just seemed occupied, so I figured that it would've been the best if I didn't bother you," she gave you a sweet smile. You stared at her for a few seconds before looking down again.

The smile on your face weakened as you muttered an 'it's okay.' Her smile had disappeared into a thin line. She blinked, pushing her glasses up. 

"Are you still bothered about it, [Last Name]? I understand if you don't want to express your feelings about it, but I'm here for you."

You gave a nod. 

"Yes, it's been bothering me for so long. I'm so confused, like, they're the best people.. How do you choose between two people you love a lot? I don't know if I want a boyfriend or girlfriend either," you muttered.

Kiyoko looked straight for a minute then turned her head to you. She put her soft hand on top of yours.

"Love isn't everything, [Last Name]. Give it some time. I promise you, you'll find an answer sooner or later. Just think about it for a while, don't rush it."

You were so shaken by those words. You.. never really thought about that yourself.

"I'll see you later, okay? I have a few things to do," Kiyoko smiled at you once more. She gave you a comforting rub on the shoulder and walked off.

"Yeah.. See you."


You looked for Kiyoko, but it didn't look like she was out yet. Then again, she did have to help with the volleyball club. Sliding your phone out, you didn't notice that Tooru had been sending you messages for the past few minutes. "Few" minutes.

[4:30 PM] [oiks]: hello from the best-est best friend in the whole wide world!! :) 

[4:33 PM] [oiks]: wow, you're not even gonna reply? smh

[4:39 PM] [oiks]: i love you please PRETTY PLEASE respond to me

[4:45 PM] [oiks]: okay did you die bc im SO BORED JUST MESSAGE ME OMG 

[4:50 PM] [oiks]: [LAST NAME]!! jfc do you EVER RESPOND??

[4:54 PM] [L/N]: chill lmaoo.

[4:54 PM] [oiks]: WOW

[4:55 PM] [L/N]: Listen to me for a second. I want to talk to you about things. By things I mean my sexuality.

[4:55 PM] [oiks]: you're still bothered about it? i mean, of course, nothing's wrong with that. what's wrong, do you wanna tell me all about it?

[4:55 PM] [L/N]: ughh idk im just confused skdjfsdkjfn, i really like this girl and this boy. It's driving me nuts, I hate it. 

[4:56 PM] [oiks]: aww. well

[4:56 PM] [oiks]: give it some time, okay? don't stress over it too much, it's not worth it. besides, you have a whole lifetime, no one's rushing you.

[4:56 PM] [oiks]: im here for you, and ofc kiyoko is too.

[4:56 PM] [oiks]: we love ya [L/N], don't get too sad over it

Kiyoko walked quickly up to you, stuffing items into her bag. 

"Sorry, did I keep you waiting? We should go home."

You shook your head and smiled at her. The two of you made your way home, talking about different things. The usual.

[5:00 PM] [L/N]: i love you guys too.

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