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I had a dream. I was in some sort of recuperating tank. Everything around me was dark. The only think I could see was what appears to be computer screens displaying codes and symbols that I couldn't understand. Then, a mysterious figure wearing a black lab coat approached me. "Hello ----------. How are you doing today?" asked the figure. Then suddenly images of a monster destroying everything appeared. I wake up and I realise I am breathing heavily, as if I was out of breath. I look around and it seems I am in my bedroom. I got up from my bed and I try to walk to the living room. I stumbled a bit, but I manage to get there. The boy and the girl was there. "Hey there! Feelin' any better?" asked the boy. "Yeah, I think so." I answered while putting a hand on my head. Then I continued,"What exactly happened?" "Well, to start with, we are here to help you help you save the worlds." answered the girl. "Me? Save the worlds? How?" "Don't you remember? We just fought off a group of Necrobeasts, or as your world calls them, the Blights." Then I remembered, I had fought the Blights and... my friends..."Hey now,don't cry. You still have your pet cat, or maybe its a fox?" I never had a pet other than my droid" I answered. Then I looked out the window and I saw what he was talking about. A cat or fox was sitting by the window, then it phased through the window and turned into a woman wearing some sort of uniform. "Looks like you've noticed me," said the woman. "My name's Freyna, I'm the leader of the secret organization that handles the things that the Sentry can't." I asked her,"What exactly is your purpose for being here?" Then she turned on her holoviewer and said,"This is why." It's a recording on me fighting the Blights. Then she continued,"Yesterday, there was a mass Blight outbreak happening all around the world. The Guardians, people with special powers like me and you, were busy fighting the Blights across the world. I was fighting in another city before I came here. I thought I was to late until I saw you destroyed that giant Blight with one shot." Then I said to her, "I don't actually have any power. These two are the ones who helped me." I gestured at them but Freyna seems confused. I don't get why she seems confused until she said, "What are gesturing at exactly?" "Umm...Ame, we forgot to tell you that only you can see us,"  "What,seriously?" Freyna looked at me with a confused look. "Well, I don't who you were talking to but the reason I came here is I want you to join the Guardians." "That sounds pretty demanding. She didn't even say please." "Take your time to think about it," she said. She took out a device from her pocket and throw it on the ground. A portal to the Guardians base opened in front of me. "If you want to join, just step into the portal," said Freyna while going through the portal. I thought about my FP and my friends that were killed because of the Blights. "I don't want that to happen to anyone else," I thought to myself. "Rem, Shadow, let's go." "Wait, we're really going?" "Well, yeah. Can't save the worlds if you can't even protect one, right?" "The kid's got a point you know." "Fiiinnneee..."

"Do you two know that the story is just going to probably end in the next chapter?
"Yeah we know. The writer is lazy plus he only gets to use his phone for two days every two weeks."
"It's really hard for him to think of ideas at his hostel you know. It's pretty noisy plus the idea might disappear in just a few days."
"Plus, I think the idea just got a bit offtrack in this chapter."
"Well at least I think its gonna be a happy ending."
"Maybe. The problem is the writer only knows how to make sad ending that involves the death of a loved one."
"Yo writer, if you can think up of this conversation, why not think up the next chapter?"
"Who are you?"
"My name's Line. This probably where my 'line' will end.(Ba Dum Crash)"
"Aww seriously,I didn't get to talk to him."
"Wait, I think the writer is going to end this conversation with this word that he is going to force me to say.......Man I'm sleepy..."

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