The Chosen Soul

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Well, I'm just a normal boy living a normal, miserable life. It's miserable 'cause I can't even remember my real family. I live with my foster parents. They found me unconcious on the street. It was raining that time so that is why my name is Ame. The world I live in is basically overrun with monsters. The Sentry, a global defense army, calls them the Blights. The Blights existence is a mystery. They exist between light and darkness, and have a ghastly form. My foster's too long to say 'foster parents', I just call them FP from now FP works with the Sentry. That means they have seen the creatures up close. They told me that the Sentry keep some of the Blights in their lab to study them. I asked my FP wether I could go there to see the Blights. Of course they didn't let me. They won't even let me go anywhere alone. They're afraid that something might happen to me if there was an outbreak of Blights. So I spent my 'normal' life in my house and not knowing whatever had happened outside. Well, at least i have some friends that can keep me company. My pet droid, yes, I literally kept a droid as my pet, and my neighbour, which is an android. I just found out that my world had androids living among us. That would explain the recording on Hatsune Miku's live concert on one of my FD(foster dad obviously) CD. "Seriously, when are you gonna talk about our encounter." "Shut up Shadow, he's telling his backstory." "Would you two shut up for a while, I was just getting to that." Let's get back to the story, shall we? One day, my FP come home late. I was wondering what had happened. Curiosity got the best of me, and I snuck out of my house with my neighbour and pet. I went to the Sentry HQ to find my FP. As we walked, we heard an alarm blaring in the distant. Amd then, smoke started coming from the direction of the HQ. We rushed there to see what's going on. When we reached the HQ, all that's left are debris and dead bodies. I saw my FP bodies lying on the dirt. I ran to their side, and tried to wake them up, but their bodies are cold. They died. I looked around and saw a giant monster heading to the main city. "That must be the Blight," I thought to myself. I turned back to search for my neighbour and pet, but I have found myself surrounded monsters. They all seems to be wearing some sort of emblem, that means they are smarter than what the Sentry think they are. On one of them, I saw a bit of torn cloth on their weapon, and one of them is eating a piece of metal that seems familiar. I started to cry. "No,no, no!!!" I cried my hearts out. Everyone I know, died. I soon realised that all of them are charging at me, their weapons pointing at me. I thought to myself, "So, this how I'm going to die, huh? Knowing so little about the world. Not knowing where I came from. Not knowing who my real parents are,". then I heard a voice. Telling me stand and fight. That voice sounds familiar. I stood up, and tried to fight the Blights, but everything that I throws at them goes through them. I noticed that they were looking at something in the sky. Then above me, I saw two orbs flying in my direction. One of them turns into a girl, with white hair streaked with black, and the other one turns into a boy with black hair streaked wirh white. "Come on, stop being surprised and let's show them what we can do," said the boy. "Sorry about this, but I'll have to explain this to you later," said the girl, even though I don't really understand what they meant. They flew into me and then, I felt something, like a long forgotten feeling. My clothes started to change from a green t-shirt and camouflage-coloured pants to a white shirt, black pants and a hooded robe. I also wore a mask that is half white and half black. "Let's go," said the two in unity. My arms had turned into a gauntlet and somehow, I knew how to use them. I punched with my right gauntlet and a shockwave of light appears whenever it hits them. The other one produces a shockwave of darkness. Before I knew it, I had beaten all of them. "Hey kid, don't forget about the big guy over there," they said. I don't know how I do it but I just teleported in front of the giant Blight. "Let us take it from here," my body started to move on their own. The gauntlets came off and they transformed into cannons. "Are you two controlling me?" "Yes, yes we are. Now just let us do the rest," "Ooh, ooh, can I tell the next part?" "Heh, knock yourself out." "Okay then." We aimed the cannons right at the creature and fired. The shot hit it right through its body and it turned to dust. Then we get out of the boy's body and started to introduce ourself. "Hey there, my name's Shadow." "And my name is Rem. Are you Ame?" "Uhhhh.....yes," he answered but then he collapsed. "It must be tiring to actually fight a Necrobeast for him." "Of course it is. Don't you feel tired at all? Oh wait...we don't feel anything anymore,heheh." "Come on, let's somehow drag his body back to his home. We need to explain a lot to him when he wakes up," "Yeah you're right."

"Do we even know where his house is?"

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