Stalking Smoothly

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I woke up early just to make sure that I will get to the same spot at the same time as yesterday.

I looked in my mirror and said to myself, "You will see her again. You will ask for her name and maybe... just maybe, get to know her." I smiled to myself and started to get ready. Today, I decided to wear something not so girly (because I'm far from being one). I opted for a black, plain button-down and a pair of cream-colored slacks. I wore two-inch heel black shoes. I did my hair in a fishtail braid and wore my makeup light. When I say light makeup, I mean foundation, brown eyeliner, and rum-colored lipstick. I wore a diamond-studded silver ear cuff, my favorite, on my right ear and a diamond stud on my left.

I went to my favorite coffee shop to buy a cup of caramel macchiato and two pieces of cinnamon rolls. I decided to drink my coffee near the intersection to be able to see the mystery lady easily. And just like what I had predicted, I saw her running toward the pedestrian lane.

"7:48," I muttered. I rushed toward her side and crossed the street. Gosh, I look like a stalker, I thought. She was in such a rush that looking at the surroundings seems impossible. You can try again tomorrow, said my subconscious. I had no choice but to follow her to where her office was.

What surprised me was that even when in a hurry, she stopped near the waiting shed outside their office building to give a beggar a bag of bread. She even talked to the old man as if they know each other. I stood near them as if I was waiting for a taxi.

"Manong Ben, good morning! I got you your favorite bread," she said. Her voice sounded so feminine. Like a sweet song playing on a clear summer day.

"Ah, pan de sal. Thank you very much, hija. May God bless you more. Now, go or you will be late again," the old man said, smiling warmly at the lady.

"Oh, yeah. I always wake up late. Maybe my alarm clock isn't working properly. I got to go, Manong Ben. See you tomorrow!" That was the last thing I heard before she ran inside the building. I found out that their office building was just a block from mine. Great! There's a big chance that I will see her again. Now, I need to hurry up or I will be late. Again.


The day went too slowly for my taste, maybe because I was waiting for tomorrow to come and see the mysterious lady. I still don't know her name, but maybe tomorrow, I will. Ha! You wish, said my bitchy subconscious. Things about her are plaguing my mind, like where she lives, what time she gets off of work, and even why she is very kind to people she doesn't even know.

My thoughts were interrupted when my best friend, Cressida, spoke up out of nowhere.

"Penny for your thoughts?" she asked, smiling. She handed me a cup of my favorite drink—hot coffee—on a hot summer afternoon.

"Thanks. Hmmm," I just smiled before I took a sip of my hot coffee. Yummy, just the way I like it. Cressida is really a great friend.

"Don't tell me you found 'the one'?"

"Silly!" I smacked her right hand while giggling. "What would you do when someone's been bugging you–"

"I would punch him in the face and kick his butt! I would make sure to cut his throat, or his balls, or strangle him!" I laughed out loud.

"That's not what I meant," I said before clearing my throat. "Okay, just to set things straight–"

"Oh, please, Tala. We both know you are not straight. I've known you your whole life! And thinking straight isn't in your vocabulary."

"One more interruption and I will kick you out of my office," I warned her. Cressida made a gesture that looks like as if she was zipping up her mouth. I chuckled a little before continuing. "Well, there's this girl that caught my eye."

"Finally!" she blurted out. "Oops! Sorry."

"As I was saying, I met her yesterday. She was in a hurry, and she was almost hit by a car, but I was quick enough to hold her and get her out of danger. And then she ran off because she was going to be late for work. Then I went to the same spot earlier today in the hopes to see her again. Then I saw her again and I followed her–"

"You mean, stalked her... okay, then?"

"Fine, I stalked her. I saw her giving the beggar some bread. Then they talked, and by the looks of it, they know each other. Then that's it! I want to know her name and she's been in my mind the whole day today and yesterday." I talked fast and breathed out as if I was holding my breath the whole time.

"Woah! Aren't you going way too fast? You just met her yesterday."

"What, do I have to wait for years before I ask her name and maybe ask her out?"

"You don't know anything about her. For all you know she's a member of a syndicate who preys on people like you by making you think they are good. Then they will kidnap you or hurt you or murder you after they got what they want. What if she rapes you? Though I'm sure you would like that, you should still be careful. You said she knows the beggar. Maybe the beggar is her spy or an accomplice."

My laugh echoed inside the room. This girl is crazy, I thought.

"Cressida, slow it down. You're thinking way too much and too silly. Your mind is faster at these insane things than my liking her." Now it was her turn to laugh at herself.

"You know what, I suggest we go out for a drink or two. It's been years since we last went to the bar in Manila."

"Don't be ridiculous; we went there last week. Also, remember that it's only Wednesday. We got work tomorrow. Remember the girl you were with when we last entered that bar? You left me there all alone, drunk, because you went out with that blue-haired girl!"

"I thought I'm already forgiven?" Cressida looked at me with her puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, we'll go. Just don't leave me for some random girl again. I can only imagine Jamie walking in on you with another girl. What do you think she will do this time? I'm pretty sure I would see her clawing the other girl again."

Cressida playfully slapped my arm while laughing. "Oh, stop. You know we're done. I don't really understand her; I told her we're not in a relationship anymore, and she goes berserk."

"You know she likes you very much."

"Yeah,she likes to keep my happiness away from me." She was serious for a second."Ah, forget Jamie. I want to have some fun tonight!" 

A/N: Okay, I told myself I will post this first chapter next week; however, I realized that Monday is a holiday (National Heroes' Day). 

Some words to add to your vocabulary (LOL):

*hija - a term used by the elderly to refer to a younger woman (usually if the woman is the daughter, niece, or grand daughter); from Spanish term mi hija or my daughter

 *Manong - a term used to refer to an older man; almost equivalent to Kuya or brother  

*pan de sal - bread of salt or pandesal; bread usually eaten for breakfast and is best when hot (trust me because I love hot pandesal + hot coffee or chocolate!)

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