The Healing of the Ancient & the Darkness Awakening in Gul Goldur

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Meanwhile in Lake-Town

Lillian gathered the pot hanging from the fireplace in the kitchen with the boiling water back on the table. While Sigrid gathered the clean cloth they had medicine to take down the fever but it didn't help as they had hoped for. They were in desperate need of something much stronger than what they got. Bard had come back home again that same night after the Dwarves were accepted to continue to Erebor by the Master of the Lake. Lillian was focused on the wound, she had no room to think about the quest as she collected her memory of her days when she healed the injured pets and animals in Rivendell it would be all from cats, dogs, and horses until she would help and heal other elves, and even men with their injuries.

The wound from the arrow had turned completely dark and the veins had gone black, the sight of it made her stomach turn, her heart ached even, and the amount of pain the Dwarf was dealing with was miserable. The blood peaks under his skin and veins are visible as it had gotten badly affected by the poison, making its way to his heart now in only a few minutes they would lose him. Even his eyes had formed into a dull color, and his iris was no longer clear. The venom clotted his blood flow and now was about to damage his heart.

"Hold him still." The Half-elf told Fíli, Oín, and Bofur to keep him still, as Kíli's cramping would otherwise make it impossible to do the healing, he was cramping with fierce attacks more intensive from the venom, but she still had time, it couldn't reach his brain, nor his heart or they would lose him.

She mashed the Athelas together with the hot water and the clean cloth she was given by Sigrid, Tilda helped her older sister with whatever she needed at the table. Bain also got in and helped to hold Kíli down even Bard aided to put his strength down onto the young Dwarf from kicking with his legs and arms.

Lillian was pushing the healing herbs down to the wound of Kíli's leg and she closed her eyes, she imagined Elrond by her side at the table, how he used to teach her the work of healing for her practice in Rivendell. She words the healing spell as he tells her it, word for word, and the healing magic of their ancestors.

Word for word was in the elven tongue, as Lillian spoke it fluently, and she repeated the words over and over again, holding down more of the Athelas into the wound and more hot water to draw out the venom.

It was as if the room got quiet as she performed the powerful healing by the very first elves who would walk Middle-Earth, which the Dwarves had only heard and read about in books of old, they would never witness it with their own eyes.

Kíli slowly comes back to his senses as the venom is being drawn out of him, he is still weak and he can't barely speak, but he sees his brother, he sees Bard, and his children, Oín, and Bofur. Lillian. At the end of the table, her eyes closed and her brown hair fell at her sides, she is speaking in an ancient tongue. Kíli had never heard these words before but she sounded angelic, and she looked angelic to him. She put her heart and soul into saving his life: but why? When she could have let him go, let him to his faith, as she owes him nor his Kin anything. He saw the good in her heart; she carried compassion for all living, and she held determination to heal the young Dwarf-prince back to his health and it worked. A couple of hours later was the healing done, the venom was out from Kíli's system and body, and he was no longer on a thin thread to be embraced by death's sweet embrace.

The Dwarves were relieved, they could sit down and rest with ease in their hearts after how Lillian had saved Kíli's life just then. Fíli walked to around the table as he wrapped his strong arms around her small and slender frame, as he embraced her. Giving her his gratitude and he had no words to thank her as he did not know how, and he could only show her his brother meant the world to him. Lillian smiled back at him and hugged the older brother in return, she understood he had been scared of his life to lose his family. She would have felt the same if it was hers. She turned back to bound the wound with clean cloth, and gathered the rest of the supplies to her bag; they would need it for the journey to Erebor. Cleaning her hands she looks at Kíli, who wakes up again, not fully but his gaze locks upon hers. A faint smile on his lips forms, as he asks her, "Why?" Kíli managed to find the word, he's still very weak but he yearns to know why she did it, why she chose to help him.

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