The Lord of Silver Fountains, the King of Carven Stone

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The company moved on to their quest. Thorin, Valerie, Lillian, Kíli, Fíli, and Bilbo, Dwalin, Balin along the rest, made their way carefully through the market of Lake-town towards the armory, quiet to not wake the town and hiding behind some crates to not get caught by the guards who stood night watch.

"Can you see anything?" Bilbo whispered to Nori and Dori who were first in line watching as two guards on the other side of the docks, doing their rounds for the night watch. "Let's go." When they had the weapons they planned to make straight for the mountain. Nori was first in line and waved his hand for the women and the Hobbit first to go as they were the lightest in weight. Lillian and Valerie had a running start and jumped onto the dwarves who had piled on each other to be a staircase to reach the window of the house then the men. Once inside the armory, they collected as many weapons as they could carry.

"Kíli, you need to rest don't push yourself further." Valerie was worried about his condition as he needed to rest for a fast recovery, but the young prince smiled back at her, appreciating her concern. The stubbornness of the line of Durin. "I'll manage, don't worry about me. Let's get out of here." He reassured, giving a nod to Thorin as well, but Valerie wasn't pleased with the answer and shared a worried look with Lillian: who was mirroring the same sense of worry.

As Kíli took the steps down the stairs his strength failed him, and he collapsed, falling with all the weapons clanged together as they fell to the very last step and down the floor. Moments later they could hear shouting from the guards outside and coming closer.

"Run!" Dori yells out, but the dwarves outside don't make it very far until spears are being pointed at them. The company of men, a Hobbit, and two women in the armory grabbed the weapons off the shelves and pointed them at the guards, ready to fight, but were outnumbered.  A guard who was in command of the troop held his sword at Kili's throat and the young Dwarf Prince looked up to see his uncle with regret and guilt.

The Guards drag the company out of the armory and push them down the streets of Lake Town to the house of the Master. A few of the dwarves tried to fight the guards along the way Valerie, Lillian, and Bilbo attempted to fight against the guards just as fierce as the dwarves themselves. "Move on!" A guard shouted. It's beginning to snow and the townspeople crowd around to see what happened. The company is finally forced to stop in front of the master's mansion.

"What is the meaning of this?" Walks a very large and unhealthy man who shouts out in anger on his port. Pulling on his coat while eyeing the crowd of people, including his guards who bent their knees by the staircase, when talking to the Master they didn't even hold eye contact. 

"We caught'em stealing weapons, Sire." One of the guards answers. "Ah. Enemies of the state, ehm?" The large red-haired man burped, in a statement. "A desperate bunch of mercenaries, if ever there was, Sire." Alfrid outside and took the Master's side Valerie and Lillian both recognized him from earlier this day, at the barge with the barrels of fish! He was the one trying to stop Bard and dump the fish into the water, accusing the fish of being illegal.

"Hold Your Tongue!" Dwalin barks at the men stepping towards the bigger warrior he is, the townsfolk immediately take steps back in the crowd. "You do not know to whom you speak. This is no common criminal. This is Thorin, Son of Thrain, son of Thror!" He reached an arm out for Thorin to show himself to the people, the long-lost King. The master of Lake-Town and the people all to see him in person. The people around them started to murmur and gasp it was declared they weren't just ordinary dwarves wandering in the lands for no reason. Those who remembered such times have crowded around the company by the thought of the great wealth they so longed to have once again. 

Thorin was not pleased with how their raiding of the armory went. He would have preferred to get what they needed and slip out under the cover of darkness. But fate had other plans. When the Company was paraded into the center of Lake Town, he was stoic, taking in the surroundings before he acted. He was trying not to act brashly. He had his Company to think about, Valerie to think about. The King Under the Mountain listened to the others' call into their defense, noticing how his sister-son had spoken calmly while the new companion of the elf had spoken more in line with Dwalin. He had to fight to keep the smirk from his lips, perhaps the elf was more like them than he previously thought.

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